A conventional mortgage simply means one that isn’t backed by the government, and it’s a little harder to get

What is a conventional mortgage? One of the first decisions you’ll make when shopping for a home loan is whether you want a government-backed loan or a conventional loan. A government-backed loan is secured by a federal agency. You may qualify for a mortgage backed by the Federal Housing Administration, United States Department of Agriculture, or Veterans Affairs. If you […]

The rule of 55 lets you tap into your 401(k) early without paying a penalty, but only if you meet the age requirement and other terms

It’s easy enough to contribute to a 401(k) or 403(b) plan. But getting your money back out of these workplace retirement accounts can be more difficult. Unless you’re at least 59 1/2 years old, it usually triggers taxes and penalties. But those who have reached the age of 55 have a special option to access their funds penalty-free. This […]

Could This New Retirement Trend Actually Help Social Security?

Anew survey from Voya Financial (NYSE: VOYA) indicates that 54% of employed Americans now plan to work in retirement. For many, their motivation is to shore up their finances and improve preparedness for market volatility. While continuing to work goes against the traditional definition of retirement, the trend could be good for Social Security, considering the program is […]