13 million gig workers getting unemployment benefits, 41% of the total

Certain groups of workers, like the self-employed and those in the gig economy, are pulling in an increasing share of jobless benefits relative to others. Around 12.9 million Americans are collecting unemployment benefits through the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance program, according to most recent Labor Department data. That program, created by the federal CARES Act relief […]

Follow these 5 money rules while you’re still young—or ‘regret it later in life,’ says finance expert

Personal finance hacks are not easy because shortcuts rarely exist. Rewards take time and effort. The personal finance industry — filled with advice that sounds and feels good, but doesn’t actually move the needle — needs to recognize this. As a partner at a venture capital firm who has spent much of his career studying and writing about behavioral finance, I’ve […]

A financial planner gives clients a 7-step checklist when they’re deciding whether to invest or save their next dollar

Investing is a powerful way to maximize savings. But because of its risky nature, it pays to be prudent. If your living expenses are taken care of and you’re deciding where to put your next dollar, following a financial planner-created framework might be helpful.  Here are the steps Phuong Luong, certified financial planner and founder of Just […]