Rich people live by these 5 rules, self-made millionaire says: ‘It’s not just about cost’

There’s no single path rich people follow to obtain their wealth. Some are born with generational wealth that gives them a head start, while others work their way up through grit, determination and well-timed career decisions. Luck may also be a factor. But there are a few common habits among wealthy people, self-made millionaire, author and TV host Ramit Sethi wrote in a […]

The Social Security Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) Forecast for 2026 Was Just Updated. It’s Bad News and Worse News for Retirees.

Social Security is generally the largest source of income in retirement, but many seniors think benefits have fallen behind inflation. The Motley Fool last year surveyed 2,000 retired workers, and the majority said the cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs) in 2024 and 2025 failed to keep up with rising prices. Unfortunately, beneficiaries will likely receive an even […]