Alexa can change the weight on NordicTrack’s adjustable dumbbells

Adjustable dumbbells can be incredibly useful in a home gym, but the need to manually tweak weight can be a pain when you’re trying to keep your heart rate up mid-workout. iFit’s NordicTrack badge might have a solution: have Alexa do the work. The brand has introduced iSelect Adjustable Dumbbells that can use an Alexa-capable third-party device to quickly adjust the weight from 5lbs to 50lbs (in 5lb increments) using a motorized selector. You can set exact weights, tweak weight by relative amounts or call up presets for typical exercises like bicep curls and deadlifts.

The dumbbells are unsurprisingly meant to play nicely with iFit’s $39 per month fitness subscription, but you don’t need the membership. There’s even a tablet holder on the weight tray to let you use your own screen and service. This might make sense if space is at a premium, or if you’d rather not hog the TV.

The NordicTrack dumbbells are available now through Amazon for $429. That’s expensive compared to many conventional adjustable sets, but you might not mind if the speed of adjustments is more important than price. We’d add that some adjustable sets don’t offer this level of flexibility — the 5lb changes could help you ease into heavier weights over time.