HeyBryan Finds The Uber Formula in the Home Improvement Space

Homeowners and home-improvement experts are enthusiastically adopting HeyBryan, an app that’s rapidly re-shaping the home maintenance industry. In less than a year, investors in HeyBryan Media Inc. (CSE: HEY) have watched as the app grew an impressive ninefold.

As disruptors appear on virtually every front from ride sharing to crafting, one shining newcomer is moving like wildfire to remake the home improvement industry. From its base in Canada, HeyBryan Media Inc (CSE: HEY) is using its cache and celebrity status to grow rapidly expanding not only its base, but also it geographic foot print.

To understand the exponential growth, you need to first understand how the HeyBryan app from HeyBryan Media Inc. works.

The name comes from Bryan Baeumler, HGTV and HGTV Canada personality and one of the country’s most trusted contractors. The app ­­– available now in parts of Canada – connects homeowners with vetted, qualified, and insured home service experts in their area.

For homeowners, it features real customer ratings and reviews of home service experts. This streamlines the process of finding and vetting home service experts. For the experts, the app exposes them to a new set of clients. It also gives home improvement contractors control as they set their rates and schedules. The app guides homeowners to describe the specific services they need, meaning workers show up with the equipment and skills to complete the job. Even payments process through the platform, making that part of the job easier for both homeowners and contractors.

This is an impressive formula.

Baeumler and HeyBryan CEO Lance Montgomery describe the app in this short video2


HeyBryan Catching on Like Nothing Else In The Industry

The app is moving in leas and bounds and the data is bearing out its early success. HeyBryan’s expert acquisition grew by 167% in November 2019.1 The platform also saw an impressive increase in the number of completed tasks in November, improving the lives of homeowners and generating more money for contractors and investors.

Yahoo! Finance is watching the app.2 In October, Yahoo reported the company’s customer base had grown ninefold since January 2019. The number of expert home maintenance providers using the app grew by 518%.

The growth also has attracted the attention of media outlets stretching from Canada’s leading Financial Post to as far as MENAFN (the Middle East North African Financial Network), which produces a daily newsletter about world business and financial news.3

At first glance, the growth may seem almost too good to be true, but it’s the real deal. HeyBryan is making cautious moves with big payback. HeyBryan has carefully and cautiously expanded its service area. They successfully tested the markets by launching in a handful of cities. It began in Toronto and British Columbia’s Lower Mainland in 2018. It added Calgary, Alberta to its service area in late 2019.4

A strong social media presence organically supports the app’s growth. HeyBryan has built a loyal following through Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter posts (handle @HeyBryanHQ). On social media, HeyBryan offer homeowners valuable information such as tips to get ready for winter or how to safely celebrate the holidays, giving the average person good reasons to check the page frequently. An active social media presence is a proven tactic for generating sales.5

The app also comes at a crucial time in economic history. New homes are costly. Moving is expensive. At the same time, our housing stock is aging, meaning many families need to either sell or invest in significant improvements.

The model HeyBryan has created is perfectly positioned to serve the home improvement industry for years.

Introducing HeyBryan Media Inc.

Stock Symbol: (CSE: HEY)
Canadian Stock Exchange

Homeowners Opting for Renovation Over Relocation

Families sell homes for a variety of reasons. Children are born, children move out, couples split and parents age. At each of these transitions, families face the difficult question of whether it makes more sense to renovate or move. For many, renovating a home makes more financial and emotional sense than buying new.6

A Zillow Housing Aspirations Report from October 2018 showed that 76% of Americans would rather upgrade their homes than make a down payment on a new home. As we age, the preference gets more pronounced. Among retirees, 91% would rather renovate than move. A 2017 poll by CIBC, a leading Canadian-based global financial institution, shows that 56% of those polled were choosing to renovate instead of selling and buying a new home.7

While all that makes sense, renovations are not easy. The average homeowner doesn’t have the skills, knowledge, or time to safely and efficiently complete renovations. The Canadian Home Builders’ Association urges homeowners planning renovations to seriously consider hiring professionals.8

 “Getting in over your head can end up costing more money, and frustration, than hiring professional help in the first place,” the website cautions.

HeyBryan Offers Peace of Mind

Horror stories about unscrupulous contractors lurk at every turn. Ask anyone you know, they’ve got a story of shoddy workmanship or contractors who ran weeks behind and hundreds of dollars over budget.

HGTV’s Bryan Bauemler

HeyBryan alleviates those concerns. The app promises to run background, security, and criminal checks on contractors. Those who have the best customer reviews get ranked higher, so there’s a powerful incentive to finish projects on time and on budget. The HeyBryan app gives people all the information they need on their phones, a format already well trusted.

Homeowners Trust Bryan and the Market Loves Disrupters

People love celebrities. And they love to own the brands that celebrities endorse. A September 2010 article in AdAge, quoted sources as saying that celebrity endorsements have increased sales by up to 20%. Some companies saw stocks rise by 0.25% on the day a deal is announced.9

Bryan Bauemler’s celebrity status is unquestionable.

Island of Bryan, featuring Bauemler, is the #1 rated show in HGTV Canada’s history. According to the HGTV website, Bauemler’s television career goes back over a decade and he’s also appeared in top-rated shows such as Bryan Inc., House of Bryan, Leave it to Bryan, Disaster DIY, and Home to Win.

The Baeumler brand also includes Baeumler Construction, Baeumler Approved, Baeumler Productions, Baeumler Media and the newly-launched, Baeumler Family Foundation for Kids. Each company is known for professionalism and quality workmanship. Bryan is also currently a spokesperson for RBC Royal Bank.

Homeowners trust Baeumler, giving him the perfect platform to disrupt the status quo. And the market loves disrupters.

A disruptor is an innovation that creates a new market and disrupts or changes the existing market. The term gets a lot of attention these days. In fact, CNBC issues a Disruptor 50 List every year.10

Don’t let the term disruptor frighten you away. The Ford Motor Company made the automobile available to many people, forever changing transportation and disrupting the carriage business. Digital photography replaced film. Amazon changed retail. The Uber app disrupted transportation without purchasing a fleet of vehicles or employing any drivers. These companies – and their investors – made a fortune from industries that didn’t exist a decade earlier.

HeyBryan has the ability to disrupt the home improvement industry. Moreover, hHeyBryan Media has made its splash listing on its stock on the CSE exchange last fall. That should bode well for investors who want to back the HeyBryan concept and cash on on this massive market.

7 Great Reasons To Give HeyBryan Media Inc (CSE: HEY) Your Attention Now:

In less than a year, the HeyBryan app has proven itself ready to disrupt the home improvement market. Its positive impact on the industry makes it good for both homeowners and investors. HeyBryan hits all the right notes to be a broad an sweeping success in an untapped space:

  • Home repair and maintenance is a growing industry throughout the world.
  • A real need for this service exists, both for homeowners and contractors.
  • The app leverages Baeumler’s celebrity status and construction expertise.
  • A small-scale 2018 launch in Canada allowed the team to work out the kinks.13
  • The app easily works in any location where people live.
  • The company is already generating revenue with active contractors working through it daily. That provides measurable data on the value of the app.13
  • Consumers are accustomed to turning to their phones for information and services, making the platform both familiar and trusted.

USA News Group


  1. https://investingnews.com/daily/tech-investing/emerging-tech-investing/mobile-web-investing/heybryan-reports-big-leap-in-adoption/
  2. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/heybryan-app-shows-significant-leap-131000514.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAA1Yjq22ynpzSjrrKCI2C8vfaPKuIICPXbdUzifniipwAHgTsxs4svdTnWZmAebEOQT8oi1oVVX2DxEPIzJPQNC_gUDZX1rwyRWenxPsCLnIU4Zyub1cpxJHi_XLTu7IfE6Sj6UBr0NDnG6j3UrsyXAKUxTZoJNjMXNe6TpCVkC-
  3. https://menafn.com/1099373740/HeyBryan-Media-Inc
  4. https://menafn.com/1099400685/HeyBryan-App-Goes-Live-in-Calgary
  5. https://www.lyfemarketing.com/blog/marketing-through-social-media/
  6. http://zillow.mediaroom.com/2018-10-11-Americans-Would-Rather-Renovate-than-Buy-a-New-Home
  7. https://www.newswire.ca/news-releases/more-canadian-homeowners-will-renovate-this-year-but-spend-less-to-spruce-up-their-space-cibc-poll-625248994.html
  8. https://www.chba.ca/CHBA/Renovating/DIY_or_Hire_a_Pro.aspx
  9. https://adage.com/article/cmo-strategy/marketing-celebrity-endorsements-push-product/146023
  10. https://www.cnbc.com/2019/05/15/meet-the-2019-cnbc-disruptor-50-companies.html


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