Alexa, Burn My House Down

If you thought Echos were only good for invading your privacy and enticing hackers, then boy do I have some news for you. Amazon just introduced a new addition to the Smart Home Skill API for Alexa: cooking. Your voice-controlled assistant could potentially be burning down your house in no time! Alexa’s new cooking capabilities […]

FCC issues final order dismantling net neutrality

The 539-page Restoring Internet Freedom Order officially rolls back Obama-era rules. The Federal Communications Commission released on Thursday the final text of its order repealing controversial Obama-era net neutrality regulations. The 539-page Restoring Internet Freedom Order comes about three weeks after the agency voted 3-2 along party lines to dismantle rules passed in 2015 to […]

Why the FCC chair says social networks are the real threat to the free internet

The Federal Communications Commission chairman who wants to hit the Delete key on the FCC’s current net-neutrality rules has one thing to say to his critics: Why the long face? FCC chair Ajit Pai made his case for repealing the open-Internet rules championed by his Democratic predecessor Tom Wheeler at an event in Washington hosted by two free-market-minded groups, the R Street Institute and Lincoln Network. […]