Fake Android apps used for targeted surveillance found in Google Play

Security researchers have found two separate instances of hackers using Android apps to conduct highly targeted surveillance in the Middle East. The apps are built from two separate families of surveillance-focused malware, both targeting around a thousand unsuspecting users. The so-called ViperRAT malware was incorporated into two apps, and it has previously targeted members of […]

Intel: Our chips can make you safer

After addressing the Spectre and Meltdown design flaws, Intel is using its chips to boost cybersecurity software at Microsoft and Cisco. Intel wants you to know its chips have security baked into them. The computer processor giant unveiled on Monday two new features designed to improve the efficiency of computers running security programs that detect […]


ESA’s Mars Express orbiter has continued getting main software upgrades which will enable it extend its service life for many years to come. The space agency on Sunday uploaded the updated veteran deep space probe’s computers. This will remain stored in the device’s memory until a programmed restart on April 16th. The success if this […]

Researchers Conclude Google’s Play Store Is Likely Chock Full of Apps That Improperly Track Children

Thousands of apps may be tracking the online activity of children in ways that violate US privacy laws, according to a recent survey of Android apps available on the Google Play store. Using an “automatic evaluation of the privacy behaviors of Android apps,” a team of university researchers and computer scientists concluded that of 5,855 […]

Sega announces the Mega Drive Mini

Sega is getting in on the nostalgic, miniature console trend. Yesterday at Sega Fes 2018, It announced that it will release the the Mega Drive Mini, a miniature version of the Mega Drive, sometime in 2018. The company also announced that it would be bringing a number of classic games to the Nintendo Switch this […]