China’s take-no-prisoners Big Tech war is playing out in An Huang’s little family grocery in Hangzhou, a three-hour drive southwest of Shanghai. What’s going on: A year ago, Huang and his father had a visit from representatives of Alibaba, China’s e-commerce giant. What did they think of transforming their dowdy place into a state-of-the-art, digitalized […]
Category: Technology
New York puts its rats on ice
A snout and two little black eyes pop out from the hole, too late: A foot already covers them and the hole will be quickly filled with dry ice. This new weapon in the hands of New York’s sanitation service spells certain death for the rat. Rick Simeone’s team is at work in Sara D. […]
Why BlackBerry dusted off a 7-year-old phone to inspire the new Key2
When Gareth Hurn, Global Device Portfolio head at the BlackBerry Mobile division of TCL Communications, walked into a design meeting a few years ago, he took a stack of phones with him. He had one particular phone in mind to be a benchmark device for the team: The Blackberry Bold 9900. Hurn wanted to emulate […]
Researchers complete milestone in international physics experiment in Switzerland
Researchers at The University of Texas at Arlington have built prototypes for an aluminum electric field cage inside a particle detector for an international physics experiment conducted at the European Organization for Nuclear Research in Geneva, Switzerland. “UTA’s key role in the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment prototype developments in Switzerland demonstrates the high regard in […]
IN THE EARLY 2000s, a small community of coder-cosmologists set out to simulate the 14-billion-year history of the universe on a supercomputer. They aimed to create a proxy of the cosmos, a Cliffs Notes version in computer code that could run in months instead of giga-years, to serve as a laboratory for studying the real […]
This Quantum Theory Predicts That The Future Might Be Influencing The Past
One of the weirder aspects of quantum mechanics could be explained by an equally weird idea – that causation can run backwards in time as well as forwards. What Einstein called “spooky” action at a distance could theoretically be evidence of retrocausality, which is the particle equivalent of you getting a stomach ache today thanks […]
Apple hires ex-Waymo engineer for self-driving project
Apple may not be as loud about its plans to create a self-driving car as Google or Uber, but the company is still in the game. According to The Information, Apple has just hired Jamie Waydo, a prominent engineer from Waymo’s autonomous vehicle unit. Apple’s project, currently code-named Titan, could likely benefit from the excitement […]
The 2009 iPhone 3GS is going back on sale in South Korea
The Apple iPhone 3GS is going back on sale via South Korean carrier SK Telink after a new batch was found still in boxes at a warehouse, as reported by VentureBeat. The devices will be sold with original packaging for 44,000 won (about $41) with no contract. When the phone first came out in 2009, […]
New leak may have just revealed sizes of all three of Apple’s next-gen iPhones
With WWDC now firmly behind us, we can now turn our attention to Apple’s forthcoming 2018 iPhone lineup. Though nothing is ever 100% certain until Apple announces it, there have been a string of credible reports which all claim that Apple this year will release three entirely new iPhone models. Hardly a surprise, because the […]
SpaceX’s ultimate ace in the hole is its Starlink satellite internet business
In a 2018 report on the current state of the satellite industry, the rationale behind SpaceX’s decision to expand its business into the construction and operation of a large satellite network – known as Starlink – was brought into sharp contrast, demonstrating just how tiny the market for orbital launches is compared with the markets those […]
Harmonic oscillator’s most ‘classical-like’ state exhibits nonclassical behavior
Showing just how blurry the boundary is between the quantum and classical worlds, physicists in a new study have theoretically demonstrated that a macroscopic oscillating object initially in a classical-like coherent state can exhibit nonclassical behavior—namely, it can violate the classical notion of realism by not having a single definite state at any given moment. […]
Scientists make first ‘on demand’ entanglement link
Researchers at QuTech in Delft have succeeded in generating quantum entanglement between two quantum chips faster than the entanglement is lost. Via a novel smart entanglement protocol and careful protection of the entanglement, the scientists led by Prof. Ronald Hanson are the first in the world to deliver such a quantum link on demand. This […]