Researchers create one of the smallest nanoparticle stabilized nanoemulsions with new technique

MIE Assistant Professor Sushant Anand and his research associates have had multiple breakthroughs with their work on oil-water mixtures or “emulsions.” Now, the researchers have taken their research to a new level by creating ultra-small (100-400 nm in sizes) nanoemulsions formed by self-assembly of nanoparticles around droplets. The traditional way to make nanoemulsions has multiple […]

This insane golden chamber contains water so pure it can dissolve metal, and is helping scientists detect dying stars

Hidden 1,000 metres under Mount Ikeno in Japan is a place that looks like a supervillain’s dream. Super-Kamiokande (or “Super-K” as it’s sometimes referred to) is a neutrino detector. Neutrinos are sub-atomic particles which travel through space and pass through solid matter as though it were air. Studying these particles is helping scientists detect dying […]

Researchers create one of the smallest nanoparticle stabilized nanoemulsions with new technique

MIE Assistant Professor Sushant Anand and his research associates have had multiple breakthroughs with their work on oil-water mixtures or “emulsions.” Now, the researchers have taken their research to a new level by creating ultra-small (100-400 nm in sizes) nanoemulsions formed by self-assembly of nanoparticles around droplets. The traditional way to make nanoemulsions has multiple […]