Google Bans Crypto Mining Apps from Play Store

Google has now joined Apple in banning cryptocurrency mining applications from its mobile app store. According to a report from a industry media outlet Android Police on Thursday, the internet giant revealed its shift in stance in a recent policy update for Google Play developers. “We don’t allow apps that mine cryptocurrency on devices. We […]

Newest supercomputer to help develop fusion energy in international device

Scientists led by Stephen Jardin, principal research physicist and head of the Computational Plasma Physics Group at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL), have won 40 million core hours of supercomputer time to simulate plasma disruptions that can halt fusion reactions and damage fusion facilities, so that scientists can learn […]

New algorithm could help find new physics—inverse method takes wave functions and solves for Hamiltonians

Scientists at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign have developed an algorithm that could provide meaningful answers to condensed matter physicists in their searches for novel and emergent properties in materials. The algorithm, invented by physics professor Bryan Clark and his graduate student Eli Chertkov, inverts the typical mathematical process condensed matter physicists use to […]

Electron images achieve record-breaking resolution

A new electron microscopy technique that achieves far better resolution than ever before, while also minimizing potential electron damage to the sample, has been unveiled by researchers in the US. The team presented images of the 2D material molybdenum sulphide that show unprecedented atomic-level detail, and they are confident that the technique could also be […]