The New York Times doesn’t keep bodies in its “morgue” — it keeps pictures. In a basement under its Times Square office, stuffed into cabinets and drawers, the Times stores between 5 million and 7 million images, along with information about when they were published and why. Now, the paper is working with Google to […]
Category: Technology
Chip startup Efinix hopes to bootstrap AI efforts in IoT
The billions of devices that are expected to proliferate in the coming years at the “edge” of networks, such as autonomous vehicles and embedded Internet-of-Things, present manufacturers with a quandary: the manufacturers want to add smarts to the devices via machine learning, but they can’t know what exactly to add until they test their neural […]
Quantum ‘compass’ could allow navigation without relying on satellites
The UK’s first quantum accelerometer for navigation has been demonstrated by a team from Imperial College London and M Squared. Most navigation today relies on a global navigation satellite system (GNSS), such as GPS, which sends and receives signals from satellites orbiting the Earth. The quantum accelerometer is a self-contained system that does not rely […]
A two-atom quantum duet
Researchers at the Center for Quantum Nanoscience (QNS) within the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) achieved a major breakthrough in shielding the quantum properties of single atoms on a surface. The scientists used the magnetism of single atoms, known as spin, as a basic building block for quantum information processing. The researchers could show that […]
Limiting social media use reduced loneliness and depression in new experiment
The idea that social media can be harmful to our mental and emotional well-being is not a new one, but little has been done by researchers to directly measure the effect; surveys and correlative studies are at best suggestive. A new experimental study out of Penn State, however, directly links more social media use to […]
Xiaomi’s UK launch is an important step in going global
In some parts of the world, Xiaomi is a household name. And in others, it’s almost unknown, discussed only in whispers amongst tech journalists and enthusiasts. The Chinese company launched its first smartphone seven years ago, and since then it’s grown into a sprawling electronics leviathan. It established itself in many countries during this time, […]
Facebook debuts Lasso, a TikTok-style video app aimed at teens
In an attempt to court the youths who have been fleeing from its flagship platform, Facebook has once again dipped into its bag of tricks and pulled out a TikTok clone. Lasso, a music-filled video sharing app that Facebook has reportedly been working on since October, is available now for iOS and Android. Facebook describes […]
Apple says some iPhone X and MacBook models have quality issues
Apple said on Friday it had found some issues affecting some of its iPhone X and 13-inch MacBook pro products and said the company would fix them free of charge. The repair offers are the latest in a string of product quality problems over the past year even as Apple has raised prices for most […]
Cisco works with Amazon to help businesses run apps in the cloud
Networking gear maker Cisco Systems Inc said on Thursday it is teaming with Inc’s Amazon Web Services to offer software tools that would make it easier for Cisco’s customers to use Amazon’s data centers to run their business applications. The move is part of a push at Cisco, one of the biggest suppliers of […]
Xiaomi is opening a retail store in London as it extends its Europe push
Xiaomi’s expansion into Europe continues at speed after the Chinese smartphone maker announced plans to open its first retail store in London. The company is best known for developing quality Android phones at affordable prices and already it has launched devices in Spain, Italy and France. Now, that foray has touched the UK where Xiaomi […]
Walmart is building an AI lab inside one of its store
Walmart has just announced its plans to launch what it’s calling an Intelligent Retail Lab inside one of its stores in Levittown, New York. The idea is to test both associate and customer experiences. For example, Walmart wants to use artificial intelligence to better identify when items are running low on stock so that it […]
Shadow VR is the latest rival to the Oculus Quest
While we’re all anticipating the launch of the Oculus Quest standalone VR headset in spring 2019, HTC’s been busy pushing its very own Vive Focus into more markets — including the US and Europe as of today — while letting developers toy with its 6DoF controller add-on. Luckily for HTC, it’s not alone in this […]