‘Topological’ graphene nanoribbons trap electrons for new quantum materials

Scientists are experimenting with narrow strips of graphene, called nanoribbons, in hopes of making cool new electronic devices, but University of California, Berkeley scientists have discovered another possible role for them: as nanoscale electron traps with potential applications in quantum computers. Graphene, a sheet of carbon atoms arranged in a rigid, honeycomb lattice resembling chicken […]

Google doesn’t want you to have to think about cybersecurity

Your safety online shouldn’t be your problem — it should be the tech giants’. Parisa Tabriz, nicknamed “Google’s Security Princess” and the company’s director of engineering, delivered the keynote speech at the Black Hat cybersecurity conference Wednesday in Las Vegas, where she discussed issues with the state of cybersecurity. As cyberattacks loom over our everyday […]

Physicists find surprising distortions in high-temperature superconductors

There’s a literal disturbance in the force that alters what physicists have long thought of as a characteristic of superconductivity, according to Rice University scientists. Rice physicists Pengcheng Dai and Andriy Nevidomskyy and their colleagues used simulations and neutron scattering experiments that show the atomic structure of materials to reveal tiny distortions of the crystal […]