Scientists don’t know exactly what fast radio bursts (FRBs) are. What they do know is that they come from a long way away. In fact, one that occurs regularly comes from a galaxy 3 billion light years away. They could form from neutron stars or they could be extraterrestrials phoning home. The other thing is […]

Google’s prototype Chinese search engine reportedly links searches to phone numbers

Google is reportedly building a prototype system that would tie Chinese users’ Google searches to their personal phone numbers, as part of a new search service that would comply with the Chinese government’s censorship requirements. The Intercept writes that the “Dragonfly” Android app, a secret project revealed by a whistleblower last month, could be linked […]

Artificial intelligence is often overhyped—and here’s why that’s dangerous

To those with long memories, the hype surrounding artificial intelligence is becoming ever more reminiscent of the dot-com boom. Billions of dollars are being invested into AI startups and AI projects at giant companies. The trouble, says Zachary Lipton, is that the opportunity is being overshadowed by opportunists making overblown claims about the technology’s capabilities. […]

Computer Avatars Play Part in Dementia Detection

Diagnosis of dementia are made via cognitive function tests such as Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and medical imaging systems at hospitals, a fairly large system for the purpose. As our population ages, an increasing number of people are developing dementia and easy-to-use dementia detection tests are sought after. In previous studies, diagnoses were made mainly […]