Almost all iCloud services down for some users including Photos, Mail, Backup, Find My Friends, Contacts, Calendars, more [U]

Apple is experiencing issues with most of its iCloud services today. Users are having trouble signing into iCloud and accessing their accounts, along with Photos, Mail, Backup, Find My Friends, Contacts, Calendars, and more seeing downtime. Apple Stores are also reportedly affected by the outage and not currently able to process transactions. Update: Almost all […]

Google Photos product lead confirms manual face tags, timestamp edits on Android, and other features in the works

Yesterday, Google Photos’ product lead, David Lieb, took to Twitter to ask users for direct feedback about the app. The goal, as he said, was to be made aware of outstanding bugs, possible performance improvements, and most importantly feature requests. The conversation lasted for many hours, during which David replied to many of the messages […]