It’s Union Budget day and if you’re some one who tends to keep their purse strings rather lose due to sheer habit, then right now might be the time to start rationalizing your expenditure. Household expenses are capable of making a huge hole in your earnings every month and a big part of those is […]
Category: Personal Finance
Take Charge America Shares Top Tips for Financial Compatibility in a Relationship
It’s common knowledge that money is a point of contention for many couples, but the issue is not necessarily a lack of money. Differences in spending habits or attitudes toward money can be the culprit too, contributing to financial incompatibility. “Money lessons are learned in childhood and will often guide decision-making later in life,” said […]
10 Budgeting Tips From Real Women That Actually Work
The B word (budget), much like the D word (diet), is enough to make most recoil. It’s too much work, too hard to stick to a plan, or too easy to miss out on fun. However, just as taxes and death are two certainties in life, managing money — however good one might be at […]
Lean & Mean – 5 Tips to Growing Your Business on a Budget
As your business grows and transitions from a small to a medium-sized firm, it can be an exciting and challenging time. However, one of the most challenging hurdles many businesses face is ensuring they have enough liquid capital to invest in technology, people, and whatever else that’s required to take their team to the next […]
4 tips for wisely managing retirement savings
Most people spend much of their working lives saving for their future. Yet, after so many years of being disciplined about saving, many of my clients are uncertain how to allocate their hard-earned nest eggs once in retirement. As a financial advisor, I have found that there are two primary reasons for this. First, they […]
Stretch Your Dollar: Tips to save money on flights
Airlines are looking to take advantage of the strong economy. Unemployment is at a 17 year low and more people with jobs could mean more business travel. Thus, more people flying to their vacation destinations. To keep up, many airlines are adding more flights and flying larger planes. These changes could result in more available […]
5 Smart Ways to Improve Your Financial Health
Get your finances in shape quickly with these simple strategies. Taking steps to achieve financial health is just like setting a goal to lose weight – it doesn’t happen overnight. Setting yourself up for financial success requires time, dedication and maintenance. Still, many people want to see results quickly or they lose the drive to make critical […]
Personal Finance: Demystifying required minimum distributions
More than 3 million American baby boomers this year will attain an important milestone: three score years and 10. And while 70 may be the new 60, Uncle Sam says that 70 is still 70, and he wants to start taxing your retirement savings. In exchange for the opportunity to delay income tax on retirement […]
Retirement: 3 tips to boost your Social Security benefits
Social Security serves as a critical source of income for millions of retirees, but the benefits you wind up with aren’t necessarily set in stone from the get-go. In fact, if you play your cards right this year, you could end up with a higher payout by the time you start collecting Social Security. Here […]
Tax-Saving Tips for the Newlywed
The most common ways when you discuss how to save income tax is through life insurance policy or investments. In addition to these, there are several other ways to save taxes. Here are four tax-saving tips. Investments Investments are often used to invest today in order to achieve returns in the future. In addition to […]
How to get ahead and save money on flights and music festivals for summer 2018
It’s no secret that January always feels like the longest month of the year. With the expense of Christmas, and many who are paid monthly having to wait almost six weeks for the first pay day since the festive season, people in Burton, Uttoxeter and South Derbyshire will have found themselves crawling towards the end […]
Personal Finance: 5 steps to take 5 years before you retire
With the average lifespan of the human race expanding more than ever due to health care advances, it’s not unlikely that people will be retired for 20 or even 30 years. Retirement is as much a journey as the journey it took to get there. Here are five steps to take to make sure you […]