The typical advice about what people should do with their tax refunds — save for retirement! pay off debt! — ignores how little wiggle room many families have with their finances. Tax refunds averaged $2,895 last year, and were the largest single cash infusion received all year by 40 percent of the checking account holders […]
Category: Personal Finance
Got Student Loan Debt? Tips On How To Dig Out
The bill can haunt college graduates decades after receiving their diplomas. It can be difficult to know where to even start when it comes to digging out of college debt. Emilie Engesether graduated from an online college with nearly $70,000 in student loans. She’s made monthly payments ever since. Still, Engesether is years away from […]
4 Tips on managing your money when you start earning a salary
Earning your first pay cheque after years of studying can be quite rewarding, but this is also a time to start charting a stable financial future. “Graduates who have just entered the job market this year will, for the first time, experience a drastic change in their finances. That’s simply because moving from a monthly […]
Turn sinning into saving
In his 2018 Budget speech, Finance Minister Malusi Gigaba announced the annual increase in excise duties, otherwise known as sin taxes. Wine will cost you 30c more per litre, with duties increasing from R3.61 to R3.91/litre. Spirits will cost R190.08/litre, up from R175.19. This means you will spend about R61.30 in excise duties per 750ml […]
The elusive work-life balance
The year is off to a brisk start, with many people promising themselves that they will maintain a better work-life balance in 2018. But is it really possible in this day and age? Cathie Webb, director of the South African Payroll Association, says people talk about work-life balance as if one can interchange the one […]
The five budget-friendly ways YOU can make your home look more luxe
IMPROVING your home can seem like a costly expense but there are cheap ways to spruce up your abode. Whether you want to get it ready for a sale or just give it a makeover, Australian interior design company, Bowerbird have offered their best budget tips. Improve your entryway Bowerbird suggest improving your entrance with […]
Ask an Expert – 6 Tips for Saving Money
America Saves Week is Feb. 26 – March 3, and with tax return season upon us, now is a great time to think about stashing some extra cash in savings. Don’t have a specific savings goal? How about vacation, school, retirement or emergency fund savings? It’s not as hard as it may seem, and it […]
Money-saving tips to make your kid a millionaire – it’s as simple as putting £5.50 away every day
A FINANCIAL expert has revealed the money saving tips you need to know to make your kid a millionaire. It could be as easy as simply putting £5.50 aside in a pension fund every day until your child reaches the age of ten. Over time and due to compound interest and tax breaks, the money […]
Will more money free you?
Many people think more money will give them freedom. However for some of us, money becomes a trap. More money is not a bad thing, but being able to enjoy it or grow it follows mental freedom first. You cannot peg your existence on it. Ken thinks more money will sort him out and given […]
5 tips to take your investing to the next level
Learn the macro trends You don’t need to know why stocks are volatile, just that they are. How well you understand global inflation isn’t going to influence the outcome of your investment, Holzmann said. “What it will do, is give you sort of peace of mind that you understand — at least to some level […]
Trick yourself into saving money
Buying things when they’re on sale is a great way to avoid overspending. But unless you are diligent to take the difference between the regular price and the sale price and actually deposit that into a savings account, are you really saving money? Nope. You’re just spending less. And you can spend less right through […]
5 Tips to buying a mattress on a budget
How long have you had your mattress? If it is at least seven years old, then it is probably time to get a new one, especially if you have not been able to sleep comfortably for a while. There are a lot of things to consider when buying a mattress, as there are many types […]