Each year, countless seniors graduate college with a mountain of debt. If you’re sitting on a big fat pile of loans, you may be resigned to the fact that it’ll take a decade or more to shake that debt. But maybe not. Though the standard repayment period for federal loans is 10 years, new data […]
Category: Personal Finance
Want to Retire Abroad? These Are the 30 Sunniest Countries
People move to a new country for many different reasons: the search for a better quality of life is often one of the biggest, according to a survey by Internations, a network of expats living in 420 cities around the world. Others move for love, for their partner’s job or education, or because they were […]
5 Things you should review before you retire
Have you planned your finances properly to maximize your retirement benefits? If not, take a quiz to test your understanding about retirement finances. It takes solid planning and fiscal discipline during your working years to enjoy a financially comfortable retirement. But how can you properly plan if you don’t really understand how to manage your […]
The Best 3 Strategies for Millennials to Pay Off Outrageous Student Loans
Millennials are still sitting on a mountain of college debt. Student loan debt has steadily increased over the past decade, with total debt reaching as high as $1.4 trillion in 2017, ballooning into the country’s second-largest source of consumer debt behind housing. A report from the Brookings Institute shows that a trend is developing among […]
These “Special” Investments Are Only for Social Security
Social Security pays almost $1 trillion in benefits to retirees, disabled workers, and their families each year, and the way it does so is pretty simple. The program collects revenue primarily from payroll taxes that are withheld from workers’ paychecks, with some additional money coming from income taxes that some people have to pay on […]
Here’s What College Might Cost 18 Years From Now
If you’re a new parent, you’re probably spending your days adjusting to life with an infant and figuring out ways to work showers and sleep into your new, exhausting schedule. But before you fill up your downtime — if we even want to call it that — with household chores and the like, you may […]
3 Social Security Moves You Should Never Make
Making the most of Social Security takes effort. Although it’s easy to go on autopilot and just make the same decisions that family, friends, and others typically make, you risk missing out on some opportunities to boost the monthly checks you’ll rely on to help make ends meet for the rest of your life. Social […]
Summer travel guide: Where to save (and splurge) in Las Vegas
Vegas is hot in summertime — both literally and figuratively. Nearly 100-degree temperatures don’t stop almost 12 million visitors from descending (it’s the second busiest season after spring), and the pool scene officially begins after Memorial Day. Thanks to a slew of new offerings geared toward younger people — like hip hotels, nightlife and festivals/events […]
How Low-Income Earners Can Get Up to $2,000 by Saving for Retirement
It’s important to save for retirement to ensure that you’ll be financially secure after you stop working. Yet for those who have to make ends meet with low incomes, it can be extremely difficult to save, and many think that the small amounts they’re able to set aside just aren’t worth the hassle. The federal […]
You Can’t Afford to Ignore This Wealth-Making Machine
People need all the help they can get financially. When it comes to saving for retirement, a lot of people are behind where they need to be in order to afford what they want to do with their free time after the end of their careers. To catch up, you need to make the most […]
Kiplinger’s Personal Finance: Finding conflict-free financial advice
If you’re looking for a financial professional to give you conflict-free advice, consider a certified financial planner. CFPs must put your interests first. They may charge by the hour or base fees on a percentage of your assets. In the past, these planners were often unaffordable for people who didn’t have a lot of money […]
How to find the best rewards credit card for you
Do you receive rewards from your current credit card? Unless you are just starting out and have no credit history, or are attempting to rebuild poor credit, you should be able to qualify for a rewards credit card. We suggest evaluating your credit card options to optimize your rewards – but consider these three tips […]