It’s always been hard for people to save and invest, but tough conditions for many Americans have put a rising number of people into an uncomfortable financial situation. One in three Americans are counting on getting an inheritance from parents or grandparents in order to reach or maintain their financial stability, according to a recent […]
Category: Personal Finance
4 Expenses That’ll Obliterate Your Finances in Retirement
Many workers look forward to retirement and the chance to make the most of their newfound free time. But the ability to enjoy that period of life tends to hinge on one major factor: money. And if you don’t take steps to prepare for or eliminate certain expenses ahead of time, you’re apt to have […]
A Big Overlooked Risk in Paying Off Your Mortgage Early
There are plenty of arguments for and against paying off your mortgage early. One of the big arguments that favors investing over paying down your mortgage is that you can expect a higher return from investing in the stock market, compared to the interest rate on your loan. But that’s not always the case. Anyone […]
Summer holidays 2018: Expert reveals how to save money abroad
SAVING money is pretty hard to do if you’ve got a big trip planned – there are flights, hotels and food, not to mention any activities or added extras on top of that. So how can holidaymakers budget effectively? Money isn’t something most people want to worry about when on holiday but if unnecessary splurging […]
These 5 famous beach destinations are cheap for summer travel
This summer, life’s a beach — especially for young people. In a survey conducted by Discover, millennials prefer a beach (30 percent) over a road trip (11 percent), cruise (6 percent) or any other type of vacation. Vacationers can make splash at these popular beach destinations, where prices are low over the summer. 1. Asbury […]
Kiplinger’s Personal Finance: Get a big bonus on new reward cards
Some reward credit cards are offering big bonuses when you sign up. Among the most generous: Capital One Venture, Chase Sapphire Preferred and Reserve, and Southwest Rapid Rewards Premier. Depending on the type of card you want and whether you’re loyal to certain brands, some other cards might be worth a look, too. Travel cards […]
4 Expenses You Might Incur When You Get a New Job
Because job-hopping is pretty common these days, there’s a good chance you’ll find yourself jumping from one employer to the next in the not-so-distant future. And while you’ll probably do so for a good reason — say, a higher salary or better career opportunities — you might have to bear certain expenses as a result […]
A Better Retirement Lifestyle Through Investment Diversification
Even if you do not find yourself facing retirement age right now, this is a good time to take a look at your investments and how you can increase your returns and protect your gains through portfolio diversification. The vast majority of people have their retirement savings in IRA or 401(k) accounts, with a heavy […]
Pete the Planner: A critical look at Roth IRAs, a financial product I’ve used for 20 years
This is the first of a three-part series looking at three financial products I love the most — but through a highly critical lens. During this series, I will not focus on the positives. I remember where I was when I first heard the phrase Roth IRA. I was 20 years old, and I had […]
Social Media Can Cost You Your Job
Most people know that their actions on social media may prevent them from getting a job. What some don’t think about is that their digital life on sites like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and others may cost them a job they already have. That’s what happened in the bizarre case of Philadelphia 76ers President of Basketball […]
Here’s one simple solution to helping Americans manage their money
When it comes to teaching Americans about money, a video could be a worth a thousand words. Videos may help improve Americans’ woefully inadequate financial literacy and ensure people make better financial choices, according to a new report by researchers at UCLA and Carnegie Mellon published in the journal Management Science. The research comes as […]
This Is Why So Many Millennials Quit Their Jobs
Millennials now make up a plurality of the American workforce, which means that employers who want their operations to run smoothly would be well-advised to understand what makes the generation born after 1983 tick. One key thing they’ll want to recognize is what’s behind millennials’ frequent decisions to hand in their resignations: A new report […]