Your taxes in retirement may be a lot more complicated than taxes while you’re working. Social Security checks may or may not be taxed, depending on your income. You’ll pay federal income taxes on most retirement plan withdrawals and may pay additional state taxes depending on where you live. Tax rates on investments can vary […]
Category: Personal Finance
One millennial’s journey from college to $5,000 a month in disposable income
RockSteady2323 isn’t even 30 years old, but he seems to be ticking all the boxes. He’s got a wife, a high-paying tech job and a Southern California condo unit. He’s also got a cat and a roommate, which, depending on personal preference, might not count as tickable boxes. Regardless, he’s come a long way since […]
Are Bad Reviews Turning Your Job Candidates Away?
As an employer with open positions to fill, your goal should be to make the idea of working for your company as appealing as possible. As such, you might sink a fair amount of time into writing a compelling ad, developing an attractive job description, and establishing a salary range that’s more than competitive. But […]
No Nest Egg? Here’s How to Pull Off Retirement Anyway
We’re told we’re supposed to save money — as much money as possible — for retirement, since Social Security alone won’t be enough to pay our bills. But what if you’re well into your 60s, your salary offers virtually no room for savings, and you know you can’t continue working full-time for years on end? […]
Top 5 Student Debt Warnings
As a nation, America’s student debt load is reaching crisis proportions. The New York Federal Reserve puts the total student loan debt at over $1.52 trillion, with the delinquency rate over 11%. Is your personal student loan situation nearing a similar crisis? Consider these five warning signs to assess whether you are handling your student […]
Free personal finance classes can help you avoid expensive mistakes
When it comes to personal finance, a lack of knowledge can lead to expensive mistakes. That’s where the free MoneySKILL financial literacy program comes in. “The name speaks for itself. It’s to teach life skills about managing money,” Tim Stanley, board chair of the American Financial Services Association Education Foundation, told KTAR News 92.3 FM […]
5 Money Tips for Graduates Who Want to Be Millionaires
Life as a graduate is like a breath of fresh air. No more grueling exams, assignment deadlines or inconsiderate roommates. It’s a new beginning when you can finally live on your own terms. Though you’re just starting out and may have a tight budget, how you handle money during the next few years is incredibly […]
Beware of hidden taxes in retirement
Your taxes in retirement may be a lot more complicated than taxes while you’re working. Social Security checks may or may not be taxed, depending on your income. You’ll pay federal income taxes on most retirement plan withdrawals , but additional state taxes depend on where you live. Tax rates on investments can vary as […]
How Restaurants Make Their Money
Like any small business, restaurants make money by selling more than they spend. The challenge for eateries compared to say a retailer or a hair salon is that food expires — some of it very quickly. As a restaurant owner that means formulating a menu where you both control costs and waste. For example, dry […]
Gig Workers Aren’t Saving for Retirement. Here’s How They Can Do Better
We hear a lot these days about how the gig economy is growing. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, more than 10.6 million Americans are working as independent contractors, on-call workers, or temporary employees. But while being part of the gig economy certainly has its benefits — namely, not being locked into a […]
5 Money Habits Happy Couples Get Into
It’s unfortunate that money is a leading cause of divorce these days, and while good money management isn’t necessarily the key to marital bliss, it can certainly help. Ameriprise Financial conducted a study on the top habits of financially happy couples, and here’s what it found. 1. They make money a priority Recognizing the importance […]
4 Financial Habits You Should Get Into in Your 20s
You may not think of your 20s as a prime opportunity to get a handle on your finances. After all, your 20s are when you’re most likely to earn the least yet owe the largest amount of student debt. But if you get into certain smart financial habits when you’re younger, you’ll have a real […]