Southern California may be home to the glamour of Hollywood, but that doesn’t mean an upscale visit to greater Los Angeles is out of reach for travelers who don’t have big budgets, said Dan Ilves, a native Angeleno and senior vice president for leisure at TravelStore. Avoid a summer visit If you’re looking to save […]
Category: Personal Finance
Ask the Expert: When is it time to talk to my children about money?
When is it time to talk to my children about money? It is a good idea to start educating your children about money when they are young. If they are old enough to ask for a toy or a bicycle, they are old enough to start learning financial lessons that can last them a lifetime. […]
Have a Citi credit card? You may be getting some money back
Some Citi cardholders are about to have a payday. The Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection announced a settlement Friday with Citibank C, +0.06% , after it found Citi violated the Truth in Lending Act. The cardholders of some 1.75 million Citi accounts will receive an average refund of $190 each under the terms of the […]
Want to make millennials mad? Talk about saving for retirement
Saving for retirement is an extremely sensitive subject with people in their 30s — just look at the response to my article on the matter. Twitter blew up after MarketWatch tweeted about the piece, where I cite a Fidelity Investments report that suggests 35-year-olds should have twice their salary saved. Even the Huffington Post, BuzzFeed […]
Pete the Planner: Evolution of personal finance advice depends on people actually caring
The evolution of personal finance advice in the United States over the past 20 years has been nothing short of remarkable. While the late 1990s is better know as the era of the dot-com bubble, it was also known for a growing effort to get Americans to set more money aside for retirement. Pension plans […]
Shimmers: The New Credit Card Skimmers
According to Visa®, the introduction of the EMV (Europay, MasterCard®, and Visa) chip card in late 2015 resulted in a 76% decrease in counterfeit fraud in less than three years. Visa claims that the use of chip cards is incredibly effective against fraudulent activity. Other major financial institutions praise chip cards as the gold standard […]
How to Get Into Financial Shape Before the End of the Year
Have you slacked on your New Year’s resolutions? Or maybe you didn’t even get started? If that’s the case, remember that it’s never too late to get a handle on your finances and whip them into shape within the next six months. Understanding the basics of your finances and what budgeting tools are available will […]
How to Make Living With Your Parents Pay Off Financially
In 2015, living with Mom and Dad was a way of life for 24 million young adults. According to a 2017 U.S. Census Bureau report, more than a third of 18- to 34-year-olds across the country were still under the same roof as their parents in 2015, and more millennials lived with their parents than […]
How To Avoid IRS Challenge On Your Family Office
Investors may no longer deduct investment expenses, including those passed through from an investment partnership. Restructuring these expenses into a management company might achieve business expense treatment providing it’s a genuine family office with substantial staff rendering financial services to extended family members and outside clients. The IRS might assert the family office is managing […]
Retiring With Debt? Here’s How to Manage It
We tend to think of debt as a younger person’s problem, but in reality, it impacts seniors to an unhealthy degree. An estimated 30% of seniors 65 and over still have a mortgage, and as of 2015, 2.8 million seniors aged 60 and older were on the hook for student debt. The problem, of course, […]
7 Tools to Help You Get the Best Rate
Whether you’re renting a car or getting a mortgage, you may be wondering if you’re truly netting the best deal. These days, a number of websites and other resources are available to help ensure you aren’t paying more than needed. But rather than spend hours combing the web or calling companies to land the best […]
What Percentage of Americans Have Nothing Saved for Retirement?
The older you are, the better the odds that you have at least begun to set some money aside for retirement. Even so, there remain significant numbers of Generation Xers — and even baby boomers — who have nothing saved for their golden years, according to new research from Personal Capital. Among millennials, 39% had […]