Tips for saving money on wine

Americans spend more than $60 billion a year on wine, and if you’re one of the millions who enjoy a little vino – you’ll want these tips for saving serious money on it. Americans love their wine, especially Baby Boomers and Millennials. In fact, the average Millennial drank two cases of wine last year alone. […]

Budgeting tips for financial security

Many people desire financial security, few ever get to achieve it. There is freedom in spending money without having to worry where your next dollar is going to come from to meet your other financial obligations. Financial security is the reward of a strict financial discipline and sound financial management practices. If you are not […]

Money Tips for High School Graduates

As graduates begin college or adulthood, money expert Steven M. Hughes from Know Money Inc shares tips to help form a good financial foundation. Congratulations are in order for many high school students that will walk across the graduation stage this Spring. As graduates begin college or adulthood, money expert Steven M. Hughes from Know Money […]

Tips for tighter budget

Money is not everything, but how you manage it can be key to whether you make it or break it. Iowa State University Extension, in partnership with Iowa Central Community College’s English Second Language program, taught “Your Money, Your Future”, a course aimed at helping Storm Lake become more financially literate. The course provided some […]