A lot – says a new article at MoneyWatch, based on a report in the Wall Street Journal, in which Dan Ariely and Aline Holzwarth report on research at the Center for Advanced Hindsight at Duke University, which identified a pay replacement level of 130%, meaning you should expect to spend 130% of your preretirement […]
Category: Personal Finance
Becoming A 401(k) Millionaire
National 401(k) Day has been celebrated the Friday after Labor Day since 1996, in a drive to remind Americans to prioritize saving for retirement. The trick to becoming a 401(k) millionaire is to start young and allow your money to go to work for you. It may be difficult for someone who is just starting […]
Credit Card Freezes 101
Identity theft accounted for $16.8 billion in losses in 2017 spread across 16.7 million victims, according to Javelin Strategy and Research. Were you one of the unfortunate 16.7 million? Victim or not, it’s wise to consider freezing your credit to make it difficult for identity thieves to use your personal data – and now, you […]
Here’s What Delaying Social Security by Just 1 Month Gets You
One of the first things you’ll read as you look into Social Security is how big of a difference the age at which you decide to claim your retirement benefits can make. With the ability to claim as early as 62 or as late as 70, when you start getting payments can have a massive […]
4 Questions to Answer Before Transferring a Balance
If you have credit card debt, transferring a balance to a new card can give you a chance to catch up on your payments without sinking further into debt under the weight of outrageous interest rates. But it isn’t always the best move, and it could even make your financial situation worse. Here are a […]
Five ways to bounce back from a summer of spending
Summer is the time to cut loose. Unfortunately, it can also mean cutting loose financially. Those sunny months bring endless opportunities for traveling and socializing. The biggest driver of summer overspending is the lack of a set budget for most things: holiday weekends, graduation parties, vacations, barbecues and family gatherings, summer camp, activities with the […]
3 interview mistakes that can ruin your chances — and how to avoid them
It sounds like you have clarity on what’s tripping you up and that’s half the battle. The interview mistakes you’ve described are common, but deadly. Making one or more of these errors can ruin your chances of landing the job. Now, you need some insight on why you’re making these flubs, as well as some […]
Suzy Welch: This is the one thing you should always say in a job interview
Every job candidate knows how to start a job interview — on time, with a smile and a firm handshake. But it’s less clear how to end a job interview in a way that makes you stand out from the competition. According to best-selling management author and CNBC contributor Suzy Welch, the last few minutes […]
5 Tips for Filling Hard-to-Fill Positions
As an employer or recruiter, you certainly want to fill positions with the best talent you can find. But this process can be challenging. Recruiting for new or highly technical positions can require a fresh approach and updated strategy. Keep in mind that many of these hard-to-fill positions didn’t exist 10 years ago. Others require […]
Credit Card Default Rates Are… Dropping?
Credit Card Defaults Drop in Consecutive Months Is there a limit to America’s appetite for debt? At least one indicator suggests that the answer is no. According to the Q2 2018 Household Debt and Credit Report from the New York Federal Reserve, total household debt in America has risen for the 16th straight quarter. Our […]
Why Many Entrepreneurs Are Missing Opportunities To Maximize Their Wealth
One of the driving forces behind much of entrepreneurship is the possibility to become affluent. There are certainly other strong motivating factors such as the desire to be creative and being in control. Still, becoming wealthy is regularly near the top of the list. However, in study upon study of highly successful entrepreneurs, it is […]
How to Get Your Boss to Take Your Goals Seriously
Timing Is Everything When it comes to asking for a raise or title change, you want to let your boss know your intentions well before your review, when the actual decisions are made. Alexa von Tobel, LearnVest Founder and CEO, certified financial planner, says the key is asking for what you want at least three […]