Mind over matter? Try mind over money. The more you believe you can accomplish your financial goals, the more likely you are to actually do so, suggests a newly published study that followed millennials over the course of 10 years, starting with their freshman year in college. When researchers looked at subjects’ overall well-being, they […]
Category: Personal Finance
Social Security Might Be in Worse Shape Than We Thought
There’s a reason workers of all ages are worried about Social Security. The program is facing some serious financial challenges that, if left unaddressed, could result in major benefit cuts in the future. And while the Social Security Trustees Report released earlier this year painted a less-than-favorable picture, new research from the University of Pennsylvania […]
Most people don’t know about these credit card perks that can save you hundreds of dollars
When you get a new credit card, you probably know something about the rewards and the sign-up bonus. If you tend to carry a balance, hopefully you know the APR as well. But there’s a good chance you’re unaware of perks that can save you hundreds of dollars. Less than half of the respondents in […]
This is the No. 1 reason Americans save money — and it’s not for college, retirement or to buy a home
When it comes to saving money, seeing the world is the No. 1 priority for Americans, according to a new survey. SunTrust Banks recently revealed that 45 percent of Americans save their money for travel, surpassing saving money for emergency savings, retirement, buying a house and buying a car/truck/motorcycle. The quarterly National Financial Confidence Index […]
Credit Card Hardship Programs 101
You are at your wit’s end. You were already in debt and struggling to make ends meet. Bills were piling up. Now you have suffered a large financial setback that threatens to push you over the edge. How can you possibly pay your credit card bills? Before considering drastic moves like allowing accounts to go […]
Here’s How to Retire Early
Retiring early is a goal of countless working Americans, yet many aren’t able to achieve it. You might think that the folks who get to leave the workforce ahead of their peers are those who earn the big bucks or inherit heaps of money from family, but the truth is that anyone intent on retiring […]
3 Metrics That Define the Average Social Security Beneficiary
Each month, more than 62 million people receive a Social Security benefit — and this figure is only expected to grow as time marches on. That’s because Social Security is a program that’s expected to cover 175 million workers as well as existing beneficiaries this year. As the labor force increases in size, so does […]
How long will $1 million last you in retirement? Report says it depends on the state
When it comes to retirement savings, a cool $1 million is the gold standard. However, these days, that may not be enough. Depending on where you live, a nest egg of that size will barely last a decade. Considering rising inflation, cost of living and real estate, $1 million stretches a little less every year, […]
4 ways real estate can turbocharge your retirement income
It’s not unusual: An investor five or 10 years from retirement worries the nest egg will come up short, wants a boost over the finish line but already has a typical lineup of stocks and bonds. So what else could fuel the afterburners? Would real estate do the job? True believers recommend a range of […]
Insurance Price Optimization
It makes sense that if you have a car accident, your insurance premium could go up. What doesn’t make sense is that if you don’t have an accident, you could also end up paying more, for no reason at all. The explanation behind such price hikes is that more and more insurance companies are adopting […]
Inherited IRAs: The basics
About 44 million U.S. households held at least one individual retirement account as of 2017, with a whopping $9 trillion in total assets, according to the Investment Company Institute. That amount is greater than the total annual GDP of Japan, the United Kingdom and France combined. Given the ubiquity of IRA accounts, the odds are […]
How Living Together Before Marriage Impacts Your Finances
Today, it’s common for unmarried romantic partners to live together. Some people even insist that this “trial run” is the best way to get to know a potential life partner before committing for the long haul. In fact, the number of American adults living with their unmarried partner is on the rise, increasing by 29 […]