One in 5 taxpayers risk a penalty from the IRS for withholding too little in taxes for 2018 — here’s how you avoid it

More than one in five taxpayers with wages probably had too little money withheld for taxes last year, according to the Government Accountability Office. Among the most likely are taxpayers with wages of $180,000, at least $20,000 of non-wage income and itemized deductions; taxpayers with gambling winnings; those with unreimbursed employment-related expenses; and taxpayers who can’t […]

Avoid these costly divorce mistakes

If you’re getting a divorce, it pays to keep quiet on social media, says New York divorce attorney Jacqueline Newman. Trashing a soon-to-be ex or boasting about your great new life can complicate divorce negotiations. One client’s husband, for example, insisted he couldn’t afford a proposed settlement. Then, he inadvertently gave Newman leverage to get a […]

The problem with the FIRE movement

The FIRE movement is doing a major disservice to retirees and soon-to-be-retirees. I’m referring, of course, to the so-called “Financial Independence, Retire Early” movement. Followers save a disproportionately large portion of their salaries in their 20s and 30s, in order to retire early—say at age 40—and live on their savings for the rest of their […]