Could personal loans from fintech firms give credit cards a run for their money?

Startups have spent the past decade trying to reinvent everything from taxis (so far so good) to squeezing juice out of fruit and vegetables (facepalm). Lately, entrepreneurs have been giving consumer debt a digital makeover. Fintech upstarts have turbocharged personal loans, now the fastest growing category of consumer debt, according to Experian. This type of […]

West Coast real estate is now so expensive that married couples are moving in with multiple roommates

Married couples are making room for roommates. Sometimes, multiple roommates. Just ask Kelsey Riley Dixon. The 29-year-old business owner and her husband, a semi-pro kayaker, share a four-bedroom home with three male roommates “to reduce costs in the very expensive city of Seattle,” she says. “It allows us to have a home in a really […]