401(k) Contribution Limits Increase in 2019, but It Won’t Matter to the Average American

With retirement becoming increasingly expensive, saving independently is all the more crucial — especially since Social Security by itself won’t be enough to pay for retirement. Thankfully, there’s some good news in this regard: 401(k) contribution limits are increasing in 2019, which means workers will have a greater opportunity to pad their nest eggs. Currently, […]

Pension vs. 401(k)

When you’re ready to retire, you’ll want to have more than Social Security savings to pay the bills, which typically only provide enough money to replace about 40 percent of average earnings. To live comfortably in retirement, you should have either a traditional pension plan or a defined contribution plan, like a 401(k) account. While […]

It’s OK to ignore your 401(k) balance right now — but make sure to ask these 3 questions about your investments

If you’re freaking out about your retirement account right now, you’re definitely not alone. The stock market took a dive this week after the Federal Reserve announced an interest-rate hike for 2019, and it left many investors looking through their fingers at their dwindling account balances. In fact, this could be the worst December for […]