Military man explains how he retired at 36, with a ‘disgusting’ amount of savings

A military career isn’t typically the path to take if someone’s looking to reach hallowed “FIRE” territory — financial independence, retire early. But, with a little help, it is possible, according to Kupiga, as he refers to himself online. Having served in the military since he was 20 years old, Kupiga is already celebrating his retirement at […]

Millennials are actually really good at saving — but it might be slowing down the US economy

Contrary to popular perception, millennials actually are saving. But it’s not necessarily a good thing — at least for the economy. That millennials are saving more than their parents did is creating an “economic imbalance,” reported Pippa Stevens for CNBC. Data from the St. Louis Federal Reserve indicates the personal savings rate in the US […]

Money expert Dave Ramsey tells students: Skip the ‘dream’ college and go to school where you can afford

About 40% of students say that when it comes to picking which college they will attend, the most determining factor is the “overall fit,” according to a recent survey by the Princeton Review. Only about 9% of students cited affordability as the most important element in choosing their school. That’s happening, in part, because parents, […]

Take these 3 steps to start saving now, CFPB director Kathy Kraninger says

Emergencies occur. So, it makes sense to start putting money aside. Yet many Americans aren’t. In fact, 28% of Americans have no emergency savings, a July survey from personal financial website found. “Financial emergencies will happen, it’s only a matter of when,” said Kathy Kraninger, director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. To help […]

There’s a theory that stingy millennials are to blame for the sluggish economy

Millennials — the selfie obsessed, avocado toast-loving generation — might be behind slower economic growth, according to a research note last week from Raymond James. This new generation, scarred by the financial crisis, is saving more than the free-spending boomers did before them, and it’s causing an economic imbalance. According to data from the St. […]