How Much Money Do I Need to Retire?

This would seem to be a reasonably straightforward question to answer. On the surface, it would appear a federal employee could add up his assets (TSP, IRA’s, savings, etc.) then subtract his debts (mortgage, credit cards, car loans, etc.), and voilà…he would have the result. Not exactly! This will tell you your current net worth, […]

You’ll only get a small increase in Social Security benefits in 2020. What should you do?

As cost-of-living adjustments (COLA) go, it’s paltry. Some 68 million Social Security beneficiaries will receive a 1.6% increase in their monthly check starting in 2020. That means the average Social Security beneficiary will see their benefit increase by just $23.40 a month to $1,460. What’s more, some of the increase will be used to offset […]