Most people kick off the new year with a resolution to spend less and save more. Easier said than done. Despite steady income growth over the last decade, household spending has risen more, recent research shows. A CNBC survey found 21% of Americans say they’d increased their spending in the last year. The majority gave no reason […]
Category: Personal Finance
Mistakes not to make with retirement savings, according to retirees
In Business Insider’s Real Retirement series, retirees share their best advice on retirement, what worked for them, and sometimes, what didn’t work for them. From keeping their portfolios invested too heavily in the stock market, to simply starting too late, these three retirees share the mistakes they’ve made and seen that could have affected their […]
New parents shouldn’t count on penalty-free 401(k) withdrawals just yet
In an effort to help new parents successfully navigate the increasing costs of raising a family, last month lawmakers signed off on new rules that will allow eligible Americans to tap into their retirement savings. But it may be months before 401(k) plan sponsors are able to offer these benefits — and for some families that […]
This is How Much Americans Think They’ll Need to Retire
In retirement, you’ll need savings to supplement Social Security. This is important to maintain a reasonable standard of living, as Social Security benefits are only designed to replace around 40% of pre-retirement income. And the savings you have will not only need to produce income, but will also need to last for the rest of […]
Why this state is the No. 1 place in America to retire
Gorgeous beaches, warm weather and no state income tax. These are just some of the perks of retiring in Florida, which is the best state to retire in, according to personal finance site WalletHub, which ranked states on metrics like affordability, quality of life and health care. Other research also ranks Florida highly as a good place […]
New bill would require personal finance to be taught in school
RALEIGH, North Carolina — In North Carolina, House lawmakers are debating House Bill 924 which is a new legislation that would require high school students to take and pass a financial literacy course prior to earning their diploma. The Senate passed their version of the bill earlier this week. According to the bill’s language, at […]
Why Maxing Out Your Retirement Fund May Hurt Your Finances
If there’s one piece of financial advice that is touted ad nauseam, it’s that it’s crucial to save as much as you can to prepare for retirement. There’s a good reason why this advice is thrown around so often. Approximately 45% of baby boomers have no savings at all, according to a report from the […]
What rideshare drivers need to know about taxes
For rideshare drivers, tax time used to be a time of trepidation and fear as they realized no one had stashed away money for them, with each paycheck, to pay for the inevitable tax bill. However, two factors have combined that should take away most of the stress from drivers when it comes to taxes. […]
5 Things You Need to Do to Retire Early
You might think of early retirement as something reserved for the lucky few, but the truth is, it’s open to almost anyone — as long as you follow the five steps listed below. Starting as soon as possible is key, so if you’re serious about retiring early, make sure you’re giving yourself the best possible […]
The 3 Top Reasons People Claim Social Security Early
Social Security benefits can be claimed as early as 62 years of age, and many older Americans take advantage of the opportunity to start receiving them as soon as possible. Unfortunately, those who claim early often wish they hadn’t, according to the 2019 MassMutual Social Security Pulse Check. Claiming benefits at age 62 comes with a big […]
The biggest downside to America’s sweeping new retirement law
The SECURE Act — which stands for Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement — went into effect on Jan. 1. The goal of the new law is to boost retirement savings, in part by giving small businesses new incentives to provide retirement plans for employees. And of course anything that’s done to get more people saving for retirement is […]
New bill would require personal finance to be taught in school
R ALEIGH, North Carolina — In North Carolina, House lawmakers are debating House Bill 924 which is a new legislation that would require high school students to take and pass a financial literacy course prior to earning their diploma. According to the bill’s language, at a “minimum,” the financial literacy course would require students learn […]