Some Americans are pinning their retirement hopes on their homes, betting that housing appreciation will continue and compensate for their lack of savings. But experts warn that adults shouldn’t bank on houses as their only retirement investment – even if real estate appreciation continues. One in 4 U.S. homeowners plan to use their home to […]
Category: Personal Finance
Someone hit Powerball’s $396.9 million jackpot. Here’s what past big winners said they’d do when they won
Someone in Florida woke up an awful lot richer Thursday morning. A single ticket sold in the Sunshine State matched all six numbers in Wednesday night’s drawing, nabbing the $396.9 million jackpot. Next up for the winner? Figuring out how to manage their new wealth. Among past recipients of huge jackpots — whether Powerball or […]
One-fourth of millennials have $100K in the bank!
Millennials can get a bad rap for how they handle money, but according to a new study, young people are beginning to stash away money for retirement earlier than previous generations. Published on Thursday, Bank of America’s 2020 Better Money Habits Millennial Report found that millennials — Americans between the ages of 24 and 41 […]
28% of Americans in Their 60s Are Extremely Short on Retirement Savings
Though there’s no magic savings number that guarantees financial security during retirement, as a good rule of thumb, it’s smart to close out your career with about 10 times your ending salary socked away. The reason? Social Security will only replace about 40% of the income you’re used to if you’re an average earner. If […]
FICO Is About To Change Credit Scores. Here’s Why It Matters
Your credit score can determine whether you can buy a car, get certain jobs or rent an apartment. It’s a big deal. And so is this: Credit scores for many Americans are about to change — even if they don’t do anything. The changes will be extensive. About 40 million Americans are likely to see […]
The No. 1 thing people with fat savings accounts scrimp on that you likely don’t
Housing may be the key to bigger savings. Earlier this week, a Reddit post — from a 48-year-old woman claiming to be a millionaire despite having only low-paying jobs until about age 30 — went viral, and in it she details some extreme frugality. She says she saves tea bags so she can make multiple […]
This simple formula tells you how long it will take for your money to double—while you sit back and relax
If you put your money in the right places, it can grow substantially over time, thanks to the power of compound interest. It could even double, while you don’t have to do a thing. Want to figure out just how fast your money could grow? The “Rule of 72” approximates how many years it will […]
Typical Retirement Savings By Age Groups: Are Yours Bigger?
How does your saving for retirement compare to nest eggs built by other people your age? Are your IRA and 401(k) balances bigger? Smaller? If you are an active saver, chances are that your savings for retirement are much bigger than the average American’s. Active savers — in this case, Americans who own an IRA […]
How Any Fifty-Year-Old Can Retire A Millionaire
The steps to follow in order to become a millionaire are simple. Save money, regularly, over time. However, there would be many more people reaching this wealth-building milestone if it were easy. While the net worth of many hard-working Americans skyrocketed during the last decade, nearly half of all families have nothing saved for retirement. […]
Here’s why getting a raise can actually hurt your retirement
Here’s a head-scratcher: Getting a raise could hurt your standard of living in retirement. That conclusion seems counterintuitive. After all, wouldn’t saving the same percentage of a larger paycheck yield more savings, and therefore a healthier retirement? Not exactly, according to new research published by Morningstar. “Raises — and how we spend them — can […]
Less Than 16% of Americans Are Taking Advantage of This Retirement Saving Secret Weapon
Nearly everyone wants to save as much as possible for retirement, but doing so is a lot easier said than done. Only 28% of baby boomers think they’re doing a good job of financially preparing for retirement, according to a survey from the Insured Retirement Institute. Millions of workers are falling behind on their savings, […]
Retirement dreams: $3 million is the new $1 million
Have you and your 401(k) plan ridden this relentless bull market into glorious millionaire territory? If so, congratulations! Well done. Etc. Now here’s the bad news: “The new rule of thumb is $3 million.” That is financial planner Thomas Balcom explaining to Fortune why the long-held goal of a million bucks in retirement savings isn’t […]