Many older workers worry about retiring and losing the income they’re used to. Others worry about not having enough to do with their time in the absence of an actual job. If you’re in a similar boat, you may be thinking of starting a business once you’re ready to retire. And while doing so may […]
Category: Personal Finance
How You Can “Undo” 2020 Retirement Distributions And RMDs
Between the SECURE Act’s passage at the end of 2019 and the CARES Act’s passage amid the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, Americans might be struggling to keep all of the changes to retirement and tax laws straight. When it comes to retirement planning there have been a number of changes to how you can access […]
Give yourself a break if you’re failing at your 2020 money goals
Just a few months ago, millions of people made New Year’s resolutions to better themselves in 2020. Maybe it was to actually keep up a gym routine or get a better paying job. But January seems like a long time ago now. The coronavirus pandemic has changed virtually everyone’s daily lives, forcing millions out of […]
Homeowners should grab this emergency lifeline before it dries up
If you own a home and you’re looking for some emergency funding, you may be running out of opportunities. Home equity lines of credit allow you to borrow against the equity you’ve accumulated in your home, be it for a surprise cash need or a home renovation. HELOCs are a revolving line of credit, meaning […]
4 signs you’re keeping your money in the wrong place
You have a lot of options for where to keep your money, and some are better than others. If money comes into your checking account and stays there, you’re probably not making the most of your money. Eventually, you’ll find it hard to organize and meet your money goals. Financial planner Marci Bair previously told […]
Mark Cuban: If I had to start a side hustle now to make extra money, this is what I’d do
Billionaire investor Mark Cuban is bullish on the future of artificial intelligence and has been for years. Not only has he made it a priority to learn about and invest in AI himself, but he has consistently recommended other entrepreneurs do the same. And if the ABC’s “Shark Tank” star had to start a side […]
5 Ways To Visualize Your Financial Success
Does visualizing success help you achieve success? It certainly does in some cases. Successful athletes such as Tiger Woods and Muhammad Ali are known to have visualized their successes years in advance. People in other fields have also used visualization as an important part of the path to their success, from cartoonist Scott Adams to Spanx inventor […]
38-year-old retiree: ‘America, stop wasting your money on these 7 things—if you want to retire early’
In 2016, I quit my six-figure job in software development and retired early at 35. My wife Courtney, who was 31 at the time, joined me in early retirement a year later. Getting there wasn’t easy. We always contributed the annual limit for our retirement savings plans and invested tons of money in the stock market. In fact, Courtney’s entire salary went straight into our investment portfolio. […]
How a 403(b) is different from a 401(k) retirement plan
There are many different retirement plans on the market, but as an employee, you’re most likely to be offered one of the two qualified tax-advantaged plans offered by employers, a 401(k) or a 403(b). For the most part, these plans function very similarly. For example, they have the same tax rate for early distributions and […]
Boomers are worrying about their retirement savings. This new app wants to help
Amid the coronavirus pandemic, the stock market saw historic drops, leaving many older Americans worried about their retirement funds. While it’s likely that these accounts will begin to return to where they were as the economy expands again, a new app called Silvur is dedicated to helping baby boomers navigate retirement during these uncertain times, […]
Why you should create a daily money mindfulness practice
Even in the best of times, many people only check on their finances when something goes wrong, such as when they miss a student loan payment or are hit with an overdraft fee. And that makes money a constant source of stress, which is likely compounded by the current uncertain economic environment. Today, do something […]
A guide to preparing financially for retirement
Going into retirement is one of the biggest and most inevitable life stages that you will encounter, and this means that you need to start to prepare for retirement throughout your working life. Whether you are near the end of your working life or still have forty years to go, it is paramount that you […]