Millions of people want a better idea of how to handle their money. Personal finance experts have lots of tips and info on managing your money, from sticking to a budget to avoiding credit cards. But is the advice out there always the right advice for you? Maybe not. Maybe a budget isn’t strictly necessary. […]
Category: Personal Finance
5 smart financial moves to gear up for a financially rocky year ahead
Let’s face it: The COVID-19 crisis has been raging for two months now, and while some states are taking steps to open up, the economy is still in terrible shape. Not only are unemployment levels at an all-time high, but Americans whose jobs have held steady are increasingly worried about getting laid off. As such, […]
Coronavirus causes mortgage concerns, but many Americans did not need to pause payments
Millions of Americans have put a temporary pause on making their monthly mortgage payments – but a new report shows that many of them may not have necessarily needed to. Only about five percent of homeowners that were approved for a forbearance agreement actually needed one, according to data from LendingTree. This group of people […]
4 financial milestones you must reach before retirement
Are you ready to retire? You might be looking forward to saying goodbye to the 40-hour work week, but financial readiness is a different thing. In truth, living without a paycheck requires more than some money in the bank and the ability to cash Social Security checks. You also need to have the right financial […]
Costs have skyrocketed for retirees. Here’s why Social Security benefits aren’t keeping up
Retirees who feel their Social Security benefits aren’t stretching as far as they used to aren’t imagining it. Retiree costs are going up at a rapid clip, and Social Security cost-of-living adjustments are not keeping up with those growing expenses, according to a recent report from The Senior Citizens League, a nonpartisan senior advocacy group. […]
More relief could be coming for student loan borrowers
As part of the House bill passed on Friday to deliver relief to a battered economy, people with student debt would get some more elbow room. The U.S. Department of Education has already announced that due to the pandemic, federal student loan borrowers don’t need to make payments on their loans until at least October. […]
Financial Steps to Take Before, During and After Your Divorce
ONCE YOU REMOVE LOVE and emotion from a divorce equation, pretty much all you have left is money. So if your marriage is coming to an end, or appears to be, you’d be wise to take a number of financial steps – before, during and after the divorce – to make sure you come out of it OK. […]
KNOWLEDGE CENTER: A successful retirement starts with you
It starts with you. With retirement a mere five to ten years away, many Americans will start to panic, thinking (perhaps appropriately) that they are not on track to retire comfortably. In the decade that I have been an advisor, I’ve seen many unique stories that all share a common thread — the desire to live […]
Debt collectors are leveraging the court system more than ever—and this may have significant consequences for Americans
For one Iowa woman, the most frustrating and scary time of her life started when her debit card was declined. In the days leading up to St. Patrick’s day, health care worker Adunni Noibi felt sick. Yet when the mother of three stopped at her local pharmacy for medication, her debit card wouldn’t work. When […]
Before the pandemic, Americans prioritized paying down debt—now experts say you may want to hold off
Even before the coronavirus pandemic shut down many parts of the U.S. and put millions out of work, Americans held an average of $26,621 in personal debt, excluding mortgages. That’s according to Northwestern Mutual’s 2020 Planning & Progress Study, which surveyed over 2,600 U.S. adults in mid-February. While that’s a staggering amount of debt, it’s actually […]
Knowing these key financial numbers can help you save more money
Only about 25% of homeowners know their mortgage rate, according to a recent survey from Bankrate, while more than half of people with credit card debt don’t know the interest rate they’re paying on their balances, a 2018 survey found. If you don’t know your interest rates, you don’t know how much you’re really […]
This $35 Bundle Can Help You Recession-Proof Your Personal Finances
Many entrepreneurs have a background in finance and investing, which certainly comes in handy while growing a business from the ground up. However, others do not have that background, and in worrisome economic times like these, that lack of financial literacy may be a burden on your business. If you’re in need of a financial […]