5 Ways To Visualize Your Financial Success

Does visualizing success help you achieve success? It certainly does in some cases. Successful athletes such as Tiger Woods and Muhammad Ali are known to have visualized their successes years in advance. People in other fields have also used visualization as an important part of the path to their success, from cartoonist Scott Adams to Spanx inventor […]

38-year-old retiree: ‘America, stop wasting your money on these 7 things—if you want to retire early’

In 2016, I quit my six-figure job in software development and retired early at 35. My wife Courtney, who was 31 at the time, joined me in early retirement a year later. Getting there wasn’t easy. We always contributed the annual limit for our retirement savings plans and invested tons of money in the stock market. In fact, Courtney’s entire salary went straight into our investment portfolio. […]