Student loan borrowers say the government is unfairly taking their tax refunds — here’s what they are doing about it

Thousands of student loan borrowers who seriously need their tax refund money now aren’t getting it because the federal government isn’t following its own rules, a new lawsuit charges. The $2.2 trillion stimulus bill passed in March put a six-month pause on the Department of Education’s ability to take someone’s tax refund money and apply […]

The No. 1 thing Americans are spending their stimulus checks on — even more than shopping at Costco, Walmart and Target

Nearly one-third (30%) of people said they used their stimulus checks to pay bills, according to a survey released this week, another sign that Americans are struggling to make ends meet, particularly with more than 38 million people filing for unemployment since mid-March. Those bills — including for cellphones, utilities, cable TV and rent — […]

New college graduates might not have to pay their student loans for three years

A House bill with bipartisan support would allow 2020 college graduates to postpone their student loan payments for three years without interest accruing. Meanwhile, Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, has introduced legislation in the Senate that would do the same. “Students graduating from college this year are suddenly facing significant hurdles entering the workforce,” Romney said […]

Who Wins At The Retirement Game?

Workers at all income levels, except for those in safe jobs, face double-digit unemployment risks due to the COVID-19 recession. The effects of this downturn will stay with most older workers for the rest of their lives. Since March, enough economic data have come in that make predicting what will happen a bit easier. Our […]

14% of Americans with retirement savings, both working and unemployed, have already tapped into those funds

Whether unemployed or still working, many Americans are looking for extra funds during the coronavirus pandemic. About 14% of those with retirement savings have taken money from accounts such as 401(k)s and individual retirement accounts to meet that need. Another 13% of those with savings say they’re planning to make use of their retirement funds. […]