Great Jobs for Retirees

Chanda Torrey found retirement wonderful for the first two weeks. Then, not so much. Torrey, 50, of West Palm Beach, Fla., retired in mid 2019 as a Red Cross regional chief development officer. At first, she thought retirement was “paradise,” she says. “But after a few months, I didn’t know who I was. Not having […]

401(k) retirement savers gain access to private equity investments

The Trump administration on Wednesday announced new guidance pertaining to defined contribution plans – like 401(k) accounts – and what investments the funds are able to access. Retirement savers will now have access to private equity investments through defined contribution plans, the Department of Labor said in an information letter. “This Information Letter will help […]

That $600 unemployment benefit is likely going away. New plan would pay Americans a ‘bonus’ to return to work

The $600 enhancement to weekly unemployment checks is stopping at the end of July. While Democrats want to extend the extra pay into next year, Republicans appear resolute in blocking an extension. But lawmakers on both sides of the political spectrum are floating other ideas, like tying aid amounts to the unemployment rate or paying […]