I know: You probably have a lot on your mind and don’t want to think about taxes until you absolutely have to. But it’s actually to your benefit to start thinking about your 2020 taxes now, even if you have months until you need to file them. The decisions you’re making right now and over […]
Category: Personal Finance
Great Jobs for Retirees
Chanda Torrey found retirement wonderful for the first two weeks. Then, not so much. Torrey, 50, of West Palm Beach, Fla., retired in mid 2019 as a Red Cross regional chief development officer. At first, she thought retirement was “paradise,” she says. “But after a few months, I didn’t know who I was. Not having […]
People are saving more than ever. Here’s where to stash your cash
With many Americans facing an uncertain financial future as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, more people are saving up cash. The personal savings rate — the amount people are saving as a percentage of their disposable income — skyrocketed to 33% in April. It had been around 8% for months, but then ticked up […]
401(k) retirement savers gain access to private equity investments
The Trump administration on Wednesday announced new guidance pertaining to defined contribution plans – like 401(k) accounts – and what investments the funds are able to access. Retirement savers will now have access to private equity investments through defined contribution plans, the Department of Labor said in an information letter. “This Information Letter will help […]
What happens if my stimulus check never shows up? Here’s what you can do
The IRS has now made 159 million coronavirus stimulus payments, the agency told CNET, but if you’re in the group still waiting to receive your check, you might be wondering if something is holding up your money. Maybe you’re even thinking your stimulus check isn’t coming at all. If you’re looking for answers, we have […]
Working from home? You might be able to expense a new desk
Amid the coronavirus pandemic, millions of employees have been shut out of their offices and required to work from home. The massive change has many companies evaluating what they can do to make the transition smoother for their workers. One growing answer: a home-office fund. Companies are paying for their remote employees’ desks, chairs and […]
This is the Single Biggest Retirement Savings Mistake You Can Make
Saving enough to retire can seem difficult, especially during these financially turbulent times. Unfortunately, many people make it harder than it needs to be with a costly mistake: waiting to start saving. Delaying could be the biggest mistake you’ll ever make To save enough for your future, you need to start investing as soon as possible. […]
Where’s my stimulus check? 10 reasons you don’t have your payment yet
It’s been weeks since the IRS first started sending out payments, but if you’re in the group still waiting for a coronavirusstimulus check, you could be asking where your check is and what’s holding it up. The delay could be the result of anything from the IRS scheduling your payment for later in 2020 to […]
More $1,200 checks? Maybe $2,000 a month? The stimulus proposals that could put more money in your wallet
Millions of Americans are suffering financially amid the gradual reopening of the U.S. economy. And there are multiple ways the U.S. government could extend more relief. The question is which one it will choose — and exactly how much cash could end up in your wallet. As the coronavirus pandemic swept the nation in March, […]
That $600 unemployment benefit is likely going away. New plan would pay Americans a ‘bonus’ to return to work
The $600 enhancement to weekly unemployment checks is stopping at the end of July. While Democrats want to extend the extra pay into next year, Republicans appear resolute in blocking an extension. But lawmakers on both sides of the political spectrum are floating other ideas, like tying aid amounts to the unemployment rate or paying […]
Tax Day is coming soon. What you need for July 15
Call it the never-ending tax season. It may be hard to believe, but taxpayers have approximately six weeks to file their 2019 income tax returns and pay taxes owed to the IRS. July 15 is the new Tax Day, as the Treasury Department moved the deadline to help taxpayers contend with disruption related to the […]
What to Know About Stimulus Checks Via Debit Card
MILLIONS OF AMERICANS have received economic impact payments, or stimulus checks, via direct deposit in their bank accounts. Now, nearly 4 million Americans are being sent stimulus checks by prepaid debit card instead of paper check, according to the Internal Revenue Service. Say what? Yes, if you were expecting a paper check or direct deposit, […]