If you’re a young adult just starting out on your own, lots of things are shouting for your attention, from a new job to confusing money concepts. For instance, why should you save for something 40-plus years away? More than a quarter of Gen Zers think investing for retirement isn’t important, according to the personal […]
Category: Personal Finance
Personal finance: 7 ways employers set up millennials to fail at retirement saving
You’ve got a workplace retirement plan. Fabulous! But there’s plenty your employer likely isn’t telling you — or doing for you —that’s costing you money. Here’s how your employer might be letting you down: We probably set you up to leave money on the table. Most workplace plans offer an employer-matching contribution, based on some sort […]
Mortgage demand falls for the second straight week, signaling a potential slowdown in the housing recovery
The surge in mortgage demand from homebuyers over the past two months appears to be waning, even as mortgage rates continue to drop. Mortgage applications to purchase a home fell for the second straight week, down 1% from the previous week, according to the Mortgage Bankers Association’s seasonally adjusted index. Purchase volume was still 15% […]
It’s Never Too Early to Start Saving for Your Baby’s Future, and This New Service Makes It Easier Than Ever
When you consider the big costs in life—paying for college, buying a house, retiring—the numbers seem impossible. How, you may think, can any one person expect to save $1 million or more for retirement? How can anyone hope to put away enough money to pay for college without taking on student debt? For some privileged […]
Rejected for an Apple Card? Apple wants to help
Apple on Monday added a new feature to its Apple Card to help those who were previously rejected from opening a card. Called Path to Apple Card, the new program sends those who have been rejected details on why their application was not approved, which the company says is much easier to understand than the […]
Is Another Stimulus Check Coming?
IF YOU’VE LOOKED AT your bank account lately, you may have had a question turn over in your mind more than a few times. Am I getting a second stimulus check? There has been talk about another one coming, and in fact, on May 12, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the HEROES Act, short […]
‘I wasted so much money …’ Millennials share their top financial regrets to help Gen Z get started
Regrets are a part of life. Money regrets have a particularly sharp tang, though. It’s difficult not to look back and calculate just what that past misstep is costing you now. Nadia Malik, 36, a personal finance blogger in Dallas, wishes she’d saved more in her early 20s. “I had already been working along [going […]
Stimulus check 2: Would you get a second $1,200 payment from the IRS? The update so far
For Americans knocked back by the coronavirus recession, here’s a burning question: if House and Senate lawmakers agree to send a second stimulus check before 2020 is done, how big a payment could you get? Over the coming weeks, White House advisers and members of Congress will begin to debate if a second round of […]
Your money: Here are things to consider if your company is cutting your 401(k) match
The economic upheaval witnessed in 2020 could shake up things even more when it comes to 401(k) plans. A small group of employers, including many in hard-hit industries such as retailing, have ratcheted down or eliminated some matching 401(k) contributions for employees during the latest recession. We saw these type of 401(k) adjustments during the […]
Personal finance: Leaving finances to the husband not wise
A divide-and-conquer approach to managing a household seems essential during COVID-19. For married and partnered couples with kids, juggling work (or the anxiety of a layoff), home schooling and the emotional and physical challenges of shelter-in-home is insanely demanding. Relying on one’s significant other to handle X and Y while you nail down A and […]
Social Security Would Be Drastically Changed Under This Presidential Candidate’s Plan
Social Security has undergone quite a few changes over the years since the federal program was established in 1935. For decades, most of these changes involved expanding the program to cover more people and offer more benefits. Some changes, though, did negatively some Social Security recipients, including taxing benefits in some cases and increasing the […]
Just Getting The Company Match May Not Be Enough For Retirement
Many people relate to 401(k) and 403(b) plans, which feature optional employer matching contributions. (There are other plan types such as the SIMPLE plan, which offers an employer match, which we are leaving out of this article.) Some employees say that if the company does not match their contribution, they simply won’t save. But a […]