Trump Says Second Stimulus Check Is Coming “Very Soon!”: Considering the USA’s crumbling economy, and the advent of Coronavirus Pandemic, the President, Donald Trump has recently assured the citizens that the Second Stimulus Check is coming soon! The first wave of Stimulus Check happened in 2009 during the reign of former President Barack Obama. It happened […]
Category: Personal Finance
How To Spend More Money In Retirement – Safely
Many retirees are spending their retirement savings quite frugally, according to a handful of recent reports and studies. These studies—from the Employee Benefits Research Institute, United Income, and the Boston College Center for Retirement Research—reveal that as a result, retirees might end up passing away with a lot of money in the bank, money they […]
4 reasons why being a responsible ESG investor can help your 401(k) do better
Environmental, Sustainable and Governance (ESG) focused investments are performing as well, if not better, than traditional investments. In 2019, $21.4 billion went into sustainable funds, according to investment researcher Morningstar and this trend is strengthening, with deposits of $10.5 billion in the first quarter of 2020 alone. One out of every four investment dollars is in […]
4 Refunds You May Get During the Coronavirus Pandemic
THERE AREN’T MANY positives to take from the coronavirus pandemic, but there may be some upside. For instance, you may have relished the extra family time while sheltering in place. Or maybe you’ve taken far more nature walks than you did in the past – and plan to continue them even after the pandemic. And, […]
The $600 unemployment boost is likely ending. Here’s how you can access cash now
The $600 boost to weekly unemployment benefits will likely end in a matter of days. That will slash household income for millions, potentially jeopardizing their ability to pay for bills like rent and groceries. In May, the average American got $321 a week in unemployment aid, according to U.S. Labor Department data. (That’s without the […]
Social Security Strategies To Provide Flexibility In Retirement
When to collect Social Security and which strategy to use has become a popular topic over the last few years, and a lot of ink has been spilled on the subject. Usually it focuses on how much you might be able to collect through retirement by waiting, or perhaps how much you would give up […]
How To Spend More Money In Retirement – Safely
Many retirees are spending their retirement savings quite frugally, according to a handful of recent reports and studies. These studies—from the Employee Benefits Research Institute, United Income, and the Boston College Center for Retirement Research—reveal that as a result, retirees might end up passing away with a lot of money in the bank, money they […]
Doug Healy Shares How Sustainable Energy Can Help Americans Save Money
Sustainable energy is much more than a novel solution. It offers real, tangible benefits for today’s consumers. Sustainable energy solutions have direct benefits for how individuals live as well as for saving money. A lot of innovation has taken place in recent years. Industry forecasts expect growth at an even greater pace in the years […]
This strategy is meant to be a short-term way to save money. Why it’s doomed to fail
If you want to lose weight, you can’t crash diet for a week. And if you want to save money, cutting your spending to the barest essentials temporarily won’t help. Monica Sipes, a certified financial planner and senior wealth advisor at Exencial Wealth Advisors in Frisco, Texas, never recommends the so-called money diet. “It usually […]
‘Don’t be fooled by these 6 biggest lies about early retirement,’ says millionaire who quit his job at 34
It’s been roughly eight years since I quit my investment banking job and retired at 34. My wife—also an early retiree—and I had a combined net worth of about $3 million. Achieving early retirement is difficult for a lot of people, so we feel incredibly grateful to have financial independence and freedom from work. We also know that […]
Some older personal finance rules may no longer apply, experts say
Start saving for retirement in a Registered Retirement Savings Plan as soon as possible. Make sure you’re saving at least 10 per cent of your income. Don’t spend more than a third of each pay check on housing — but don’t rent forever either. Those are some of the financial maxims younger generations hear from […]
Is 55 Too Early To Retire? What You Need To Retire Early
Having the option to take an early retirement is a really nice thing to have. But is 55 too early to retire? If you want to retire early, you’ll need a solid plan, masterful control over your expenses, and savings outside of retirement accounts. Here’s how you’ll know if 55 is too early to retire. […]