How To Spend More Money In Retirement – Safely

Many retirees are spending their retirement savings quite frugally, according to a handful of recent reports and studies. These studies—from the Employee Benefits Research Institute, United Income, and the Boston College Center for Retirement Research—reveal that as a result, retirees might end up passing away with a lot of money in the bank, money they […]

4 reasons why being a responsible ESG investor can help your 401(k) do better

Environmental, Sustainable and Governance (ESG) focused investments are performing as well, if not better, than traditional investments.  In 2019, $21.4 billion went into sustainable funds, according to investment researcher Morningstar and this trend is strengthening, with deposits of $10.5 billion in the first quarter of 2020 alone. One out of every four investment dollars is in […]

‘Don’t be fooled by these 6 biggest lies about early retirement,’ says millionaire who quit his job at 34

It’s been roughly eight years since I quit my investment banking job and retired at 34. My wife—also an early retiree—and I had a combined net worth of about $3 million. Achieving early retirement is difficult for a lot of people, so we feel incredibly grateful to have financial independence and freedom from work. We also know that […]