Who will determine your retirement diet?

When people retire, especially during the months of December and January, they often make life-changing resolutions. Some involve health, entertainment, travel, family. A lot deal with diet choices. But in every case the retiree wants to be and should be in control. But that doesn’t always happen. Some new retirees suffer an unexpected and extended […]

5 Ways To Generate Alternative Retirement Income

Traditional routes of generating money during retirement (as commonly suggested by financial experts) include taking advantage of your 401(k) and receiving — and maximizing — your Social Security payments. While these are both efficient and common methods of generating income, an increasing body of evidence is indicating, for many Americans, that more funds will be […]

How to Know When You Can Retire

See if you can relate to this … You have contributed to a 401(k) or other employer-sponsored account at work, maybe you’re paying extra on the mortgage or have already paid it off, you keep cash on hand for those unexpected expenses or upcoming big-ticket purchases and you often wish there was a way to […]