How many credit cards should I have?

The number of credit cards to have is a personal decision that depends heavily on you, your financial situation, and how well you manage your credit. The decision also depends on your credit score — and it can affect your credit score. Your credit score will impact many other aspects of your financial future, such […]

The best books to read to get smarter about your money, according to personal finance experts

There are thousands of resources online to learn about personal finance, a staggering amount of financial information, from free courses offered by colleges and education platforms to TikTok influencers and expert newsletters. This can make it hard to identify the best sources on budgeting, saving and investing, but the earlier in life an individual begins […]

Getting close to retirement? Be sure your plan includes managing this risk

For anyone who’s nearing retirement and watching the stock market nervously, those jitters may mean it’s time to review your portfolio. While stocks over time offer the best opportunity for long-term growth despite periods of volatility, a persisting market downturn heading into retirement can be problematic if you’re tapping those assets for income. Basically, research […]