Smart Money Tips – Identity Theft & Fraud

Identity theft and identity fraud refer to all types of crime in which someone wrongfully obtains and uses another person’s personal data in some way that involves fraud or deception, typically for economic gain.

How can you slow down ID THEFT?     

  • Monitor your credit report.
  • Shred any unused document with identifying information like your name, account number or social security number.
  • Copy what is in your wallet and save it in a secure place.
  • Never carry your Social Security Card or infrequently used credit cards in your wallet.
  • Cancel unused credit cards.
  • Do not mail items from you home mail box.

What if you are a victim?

Close any account that you feel may be in jeopardy and place a fraud alert on your credit report. This will stop any further damage. If you believe you are a victim of identity theft, contact one of the 3 major credit reporting agencies.

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