Billionaire-Owned Energy Stocks That Can Double On Higher Oil Prices

As they said in their recent letter, “we remain firmly convinced that oil-related investments will offer phenomenal investment returns. It’s the buying opportunity of a lifetime.”

With that, let’s take a look at some favorite energy stocks of the most informed and influential billionaire investors:

David Einhorn of Greenlight Capital has about 5% of his fund in Consol Energy (CNX). Mason Hawkins of Southeastern Asseet Management is also in CNX. He has 9% of his fund in the stock, his third largest position. The last time oil was $100, CNX was a $36 stock. That’s more than a double from current levels.

Carl Icahn’s biggest position is in energy. He has 12% of his fund in CVR Energy. The last time oil was $100, CVI was $49. That’s 58% higher than current levels.

Paul Singer of Elliott Management’s third largest position is an oil play: Hess Corp. (HES). It’s a billion-dollar stake, and the stock was twice as valuable the last time oil prices were $100.

Andreas Halvorsen of Viking Global Investors has the biggest position in his $16-billion fund in EnCana Corp. (ECA). The stock was around $25 last time oil was $100. It currently trades at $14.

If you are hunting for the right stocks to buy, join me in my Forbes Billionaire’s Portfolio. We have a roster of 20 billionaire-owned stocks that are positioned to be among the biggest winners as the market recovers. You can add these stocks at a nice discount to where they were trading just a week ago.

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