Samsung might not save its Lite label for budget versions of its Galaxy flagships. Android Headlines has shared what it says are leaked details of the Galaxy Tab S6 Lite, a cut-down version of last year’s high-end tablet. It’ll reportedly resemble the original Tab S6 in shape and possibly size, but switch to decidedly mid-range specs with an Exynos 9611 chip (likely a Snapdragon 600-series in the US), 4GB of RAM and 64GB to 128GB of storage. The biggest change, however, might be the S Pen. The stylus in the leaked picture is too big to be tucked into the tablet itself — this is clearly something you’d charge separately, and might be strictly optional.
The apparent leak doesn’t include other details, including the launch details. However, the existing Tab S5e this likely replaces is more than a year old, and started at $399. It wouldn’t be surprising if there’s a release in the near future at a comparable price. If so, it could be a tempting option if you want a modern tablet from Samsung without splurging on the regular Tab S6.