Sling TV gets a new look on Apple TV and Roku

Sling TV has made some tweaks to its interface on Apple TV and Roku devices that should make for a better viewing experience. The company says the updates are in response to customer feedback, and should make it easier to sift through shows and movies. The changes are rolling out to Roku users starting today, and all Apple TV users should have the new interface by now.

For Apple TV, a new “information view” will dominate the top half of your Sling TV screen and let you view details of a show as you scroll over its title. The “My TV”, “On Now” and “Guide” tabs are now in the center of your Sling TV screen. Remember those annoying pop-up notifications that ask if you want to resume playing, watch live or start from the beginning when you switch between channels? Gone forever, so you can watch tv faster. A new search bar lets you view popular searches from other Sling TV users, and sorts your search results into categories like “top searches”, “shows” and “channels”.

For Roku users, an updated information view will feature a full-screen design and information about other seasons. Updated player controls let viewers play, pause or record content. You can also add shows to your favorites or turn on closed captioning.

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