Claflin computer science program accredited

The Computer Accreditation Commission of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology recently granted accreditation to Claflin University’s computer science program, effective retroactively to Oct. 1, 2017.

Claflin is now one of only three private colleges or universities in the state with ABET accreditation. The university says it is also among very few United Negro College Fund institutions with an ABET-accredited computer science program.

“ABET accreditation of our computer science program sends a powerful message to parents, students and employers that Claflin’s computer science program meets the highest national quality standard,” Claflin President Henry N. Tisdale said. “This national recognition is consistent with our strategic plan and the strategic goal: academic excellence.”

ABET is a non-governmental accrediting agency for programs in applied and natural science, computing, engineering and engineering technology. ABET is recognized as an accreditor by the Council of Higher Education Accreditation.

“This represents the first ABET accreditation for the computer science program at Claflin, which launched in 2006,” said Dr. Verlie Tisdale, dean of the School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.

“It means our computer science program has been thoroughly vetted by higher education and industry professionals. The accreditation confirms that we have a high-quality program. It changes the dynamics of our recruiting because students want to attend a school with an accredited program. Prospective employers know that it is an excellent program,” she said.

Dr. Verlie Tisdale said the evaluators looked at the academic strength of the program, student performance and learning outcomes, educational objectives and how the program has improved since it began more than a decade ago.

“They also reviewed how the computer science program is meeting the academic needs of the university and preparing students for the industry needs of today’s workforce,” Dr. Verlie Tisdale said. “They wanted to make certain we are teaching students who can analyze problems and design and implement programs that find solutions to those problems. Our accreditation is retroactive to October 2017. This means that computer science graduates who earned degrees last May in the Class of 2018 are the first to graduate from Claflin as an ABET-accredited institution.”

Computer science joins the list of other academic programs that have earned national accreditation, including education, business, chemistry and music.

“I take this opportunity to express my appreciation to the Office of the Provost, the School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, and the Office of Institutional Effectiveness who worked tirelessly during the entire accreditation process to achieve this outcome for our students and the university,” President Tisdale said. “Let us continue this path of excellence throughout the academic year.”

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