Tips for buying, applying sunscreen

From 2007 to 2011, Idaho was number three in the nation for melanoma deaths, according to a 2014 study by the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare.

BOISE – Idaho consistently ranks among the states with the highest death rates from melanoma, the most common form of skin cancer.

From 2007 to 2011, Idaho was number three in the nation for melanoma deaths, according to a 2014 study by the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare.

Many of those deaths may have been preventable by something as simple as applying sunscreen.

“I’m very strict about it,” said Lauren Giacopelli, a mom of two. “We reapply, I like to use [SPF] 50.”

Protecting her kids from the sun is a top priority, but she says knowing what sunscreen to buy is a little overwhelming.

“There’s so many things you’re not supposed to use and sunscreens you’re not supposed to use, so that’s what’s hard as a parent,” she said, “I just buy, you know, whatever, but I feel like I second guess what I use a lot.”

So what do you look for when buying a sunscreen? It’s a question Dr. Dustin Portela, a dermatologist with Saltzer Medical Group and Treasure Valley Dermatology, is asked every day.

Protela has some recommendation on what to look for: a broad-spectrum sunscreen that covers UVA and UVB rays from the sun, a sunscreen that is at least SPF 30 or higher, and something that is water resistant if you’re swimming or exercising.

“Use the one that you like to use because then you’re going to use it,” he said. “If you prefer a spray, a cream, a lotion, something that’s a physical blocker or a chemical blocker, they’re all effective. You just need to put them on regularly.”

Portela says to apply sunscreen about 20 minutes before you go out in the sun. That way the sunscreen has time to sit on the skin. Then he recommends that it’s re-applied every two hours. He also says to make sure you’ reusing enough.

“Most of us don’t apply sunscreen as much as the studies done on the sunscreen indicate that we should,” he said. “For an adult, they tell us that a shot glass full of sunscreen would cover the whole body.”

Even if you think you don’t need it, Portela says you do. Sunburn is the most immediate problem from sun exposure, and the damage can be long-lasting.

“We know that increases your risk for skin cancer. We treat patients from infancy all the way to the more mature and we see a lot of sun problems that come on at a later age,” he said. “If you get into the habit of applying sunscreen when you’re younger it does prevent a lot of problems like skin cancer, premature aging, wrinkling and other types of rashes.”

Saltzer Medical Group will be holding a “Healthy Skin Check” event, Thursday, May 24 from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. That will be located at 215 E. Hawaii Avenue in Nampa.

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