Google Calendar update brings new working locations improvements

One of the most important Google apps for those using the search giant’s tool for work is by far Calendar. Many of its features help users keep track of their meetings scheduled, as well as the overall workflow. Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for tools that would provide users with the same level of productivity while working from different places has increased.

Google Calendar has had a specific feature since 2021 that enables users to provide information about where they’re working from directly in the app. Although Google has further improved this feature in the last couple of years, there’s always room for improvement.

The most recent Calendar update introduces a new feature for the working locations functionality, which allows users to set working locations in Calendar that indicate where they are working for specific portions of the day. Up until now, you could only highlight one or more days to indicate the period of time you’ll spend working from a specific location.

The new option makes working locations even more accurate when reflecting the availability of a user based on the physical location they set, which can change throughout the day. Important for those that are part of a hybrid work environment where employees may work from home, and office, a specific building, or a combination of any of these, the new feature is meant to appeal to another type of audience, one that has become larger since pandemic.

According to Google, the new Calendar feature is already available for those using the app, but only if you’re enrolled in the rapid release program. For the rest of us, the new feature should start rolling out on July 14.

The working location feature will be enabled by default (unless disabled by an admin). To start using the new option and set a sub-day working location, simply select Working Location as an event type in Calendar, choose a location, and modify time, date, or recurrence by clicking on the time element.

It’s important to add that this is available to Google Workspace Business Standard, Business Plus, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Plus, Education Fundamentals, Education Standard, Education Plus, the Teaching and Learning Upgrade, and Nonprofits.