5 Reasons Why You Need To Learn About Taxes In Retirement Now

Taxes can have a significant impact on your finances in retirement. But, if you are proactive and deliberately include taxes as a key component of your retirement plan, then you may be able to reduce them quite a bit.

The first step is to simply understand how taxes work in retirement. Look, I understand what I just said — and I get it. I’ve taught enough college students and worked with enough retirees to know that if we get too into the weeds your eyes will gloss over. Don’t worry. In this article, I’ll give you a gentle overview so you can be aware of what you need to think about.

1. What Income Is Taxed, And How?

Just like during your working years, you’ll receive an “income” in retirement. You may not have thought about it yet, but your retirement income will likely come from a few different sources — retirement savings and Social Security, for example.

That income is still subject to income taxation, and you can benefit by thinking about that as you plan. What makes it loads of fun is that some sources of retirement income are taxed differently than others. A good first step is to familiarize yourself with what gets taxed, and how.