Apple Inc. stock rises Wednesday, still underperforms market

Shares of Apple Inc. AAPL, +1.36% advanced 1.36% to $506.09 Wednesday, on what proved to be an all-around positive trading session for the stock market, with the NASDAQ Composite Index COMP, +1.73% rising 1.73% to 11,665.06 and the Dow Jones Industrial Average DJIA, +0.29% rising 0.30% to 28,331.92.

Apple Inc. closed $9.05 short of its 52-week high ($515.14), which the company reached on August 24th.

The stock demonstrated a mixed performance when compared to some of its competitors Wednesday, as Microsoft Corp. MSFT, +2.16% rose 2.16% to $221.15, Alphabet Inc. Cl A GOOGL, +2.38% rose 2.38% to $1,644.13, and International Business Machines Corp. IBM, -0.37% fell 0.38% to $124.17. Trading volume (40.2 M) eclipsed its 50-day average volume of 39.9 M.