Cable company offers free, low-cost Internet to in-need families

As the COVID-19 pandemic infects more people in the Coastal Bend, self-isolation is necessary for some.

Our homes have become our home-offices and our classrooms.

Grande Communications recognized that, and wanted to help families in need.

“Really, where we thought we could make an impact was with the more economically challenged families who may not always have Internet service at home,” said Grande Communications’ Texas General Manager Michael Carrosquilla.

Grande Communications began the “Internet First Program,” which offers 60 days of free Internet. For the following 10 months, the service will cost $9.95 a month. The deal lasts a whole year, Carrosquilla said.

A qualifying family can apply, and within a few days, he said, could have an Internet modem installed in their home.

“The way someone qualifies, is they obviously have to be in our service area,” Carosquilla said. “But beyond that, (families) participating in public assistance programs, like SNAP or national school-lunch programs.”

Carrosquilla said everyone needs Internet in their home right now., whether it’s to continue school work for students, or provide a resource for people who are still looking for jobs.

“The Internet is just an indespensable tool, so I wouldn’t recommend people wait,” he said “You know, there’s no reason to wait. Just get out there and make it happen. If you don’t have Internet at home then give it a shot.”