As Labor Day nears, it’s inevitable that the lengthy list of school supplies your child needs for the first day will creep up on you — and back-to-school shopping can easily become one of the highest yearly expenses for some parents.
Fortunately, Inside Edition recruited Miko Love — the Budget Mom — to break down how she tackles back-to-school shopping for her 7-year-old son without breaking the bank or stressing out. Love claims that with proper preparation and research, you can buy all the required supplies with just a couple of bucks.
Love understands how easy it is to “shop without intention” because it tricks you into thinking you didn’t spend that much. But that is almost never the case, and she’s found methods to keeping herself afloat during back-to-school season.
The first thing she does is look up and compare prices.
“I like to do a store comparison list,” she told Inside Edition.
She sets up a chart with rows designated to each school supply she has to buy and columns for stores like Target, Walmart, Dollar Tree, and Staples. Then she looks everything up and records the prices so it’s easy for her tto visualize and compare the best deals and lowest costs.
Love also recommends online savings apps, which concisely list cashback deals and money-saving promotions without the hassle of having to look them up online.
Watch the full Inside Edition video above to learn more about Love’s back-to-school shopping tricks, including her favorite money-saving school supply store (which might surprise you) and where she goes to buy cute and stylish lunch boxes without breaking the bank.