Apple Watch, AirPods will be spared from latest China tariffs

Apple’s smart watch, wireless headphones, and smart speaker will not be affected by the Trump administration’s latest tariffs on Chinese imports, according to a list of affected products listed on Monday.

Some Apple products, including its MacMini, will still be affected.

Apple shares briefly trimmed some losses earlier on Monday after a report from Bloomberg that the Apple Watch and AirPods will be spared from the latest round of proposed tariffs on China.

The stock had traded as much as 2.3 percent lower earlier in the day, but rebounded from session lows immediately following the report to just 1.7 percent down.

By market close, the stock had dipped again, ending trading 2.7 percent down.

Apple said earlier this month that President Donald Trump’s proposed tariffs on $200 billion worth of Chinese goods would affect the Apple Watch and AirPods as well as adapters and chargers for a host of products. Apple said the tariffs would raise prices for consumers.

The hardware giant sent a letter to the U.S. Trade Representative asking the office to reconsider.

Shares of wearable fitness tracker Fitbit also jumped off session lows following the report and ended trading 1 percent down.

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