‘I’m going to make history:’ Harley 115th anniversary parade features 6,500 riders; at least 1 from every state

MILWAUKEE — A week of celebrating culminated Sunday, Sept. 2 with the Harley-Davidson 115th anniversary parade, which took roughly 6,500 bikers through the streets of Milwaukee.

“It’s awesome! If you haven’t experienced this, you really need to,” said Brenda Easterbrook.

At staging area, we found no two bikes were alike.

“It’s exciting to see how happy and excited they are to be in the parade,” said JT Hasley.

Each bike was a piece of art on wheels.

“Everybody’s got three seats. Everybody’s got two. I’ll go one more and see if I can make a four-seater,” said Philip Walker.

Something arguably more diverse than the bikes were the people riding them. Each state in the country had at least one rider in town.

“As of Wednesday, until now, we have just over 900 miles put in,” said Easterbrook.

As for the international community — they too made their presence known. The parade included riders from South America, Indonesia, Europe, Asia and more.

“I’m from the west of England, United Kingdom,” said Walker.

When it was time to get rolling, the leather-clad riders said they were excited to be a part of history.

“Just to see all the bikes and knowing I’m going to make part of history on the 115th anniversary,” said Terrence Phillips.

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