Space travel on the move within 2018

Two companies run by individual billionaires are taking the space tourism mission by storm. People are almost close enough to spend their vacation for the first time beyond our Earth in the latter part of this year.

Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic and Jeff Bezos’s Blue Origin are hitting significant achievements in this regard. In the early part of April in this year, SpaceShip Two of the Virgin Galactic made a successful long-awaited first powered test flight.

Again on April 29, Blue Origin also made a critical test launch of its New Shepherd Rocket. This rocket is supposed to be equipped with a crash test dummy and a bunch of scientific experiments.

According to Christian Davenport, we are very close to creating history as he wrote the same in his novel named as the “The Space Barons.” He feels that both Bezos and Branson are pretty determined to bring passengers to space in the latter part of this year. In fact, they have invested an enormous amount

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