Would you try any of these money-saving ideas?

A new survey of 5,000 people by Carphone Warehouse reveals more about the lengths people will go to in order to save money. Some, such as taking your own bags to the supermarket (is there anyone who doesn’t?), are fairly standard but others are more unusual. Here’s a selection of some of the ones that might want to try them.

1. Save water by not flushing the toilet every time (25% of people surveyed said they did this, although it may be one to check with your family or house-mates before adopting).

2. Become your own hairdresser to give yourself a DIY haircut (23%).

3. Drink only tap water when eating out (20%).

4. Charge your phone or laptop at work (20% did this, but be careful, it could land you in trouble with the boss).

5. Share bath water (13%).

6. Stockpile free condiments from restaurants (11%). I’ve also done this with freebie soaps/shower gels in hotels.

7. Brew your own beer or wine (7%).

8. Water down drinks such as juice or milk (7%).

9. Ask shop assistants for discounts on damaged goods (4%). Good negotiation skills can go a long way when it comes to saving money.

10. Watch TV with the lights off (2%).

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